Recent content by Lordlucid

  1. Lordlucid

    Everybody's gone

    always lurking!
  2. Lordlucid

    Just found this video of DNB live on YouTube

    I was just rocking DNB last night. Damn. I miss these guys.
  3. Lordlucid


    I had a blast when I met them with Isabel, Ruben and Lesa in SF at the Fillmore. Warrel was hella cool.
  4. Lordlucid


    This is fucking balls. RIP Warrel
  5. Lordlucid

    Riverside - ADHD

    I have enjoy the crap out of them!
  6. Lordlucid

    A sad reality

    I've been waiting for a new nevermore album! This tickles my fancy and so does the gif.
  7. Lordlucid

    To those of you who know Will Bozarth

    Man, That sucks. Sorry to hear that Will.
  8. Lordlucid

    proposals to legalise marijuana

    The Sheriffs tend to ignore the none violent mom and pop operations (unless the DEA gets involved). They can't ignore the people heading into the Mendocino national forest or the guys who have warehouses full of plants. It's not decriminalized but you can "use" it for "medicinal" purposes.
  9. Lordlucid

    proposals to legalise marijuana

    They do it in my neck of the woods all the time. You know someone just got F in the A when you see a fleet of black crown vics and Black Tahoes with search lights on then and no markings.
  10. Lordlucid

    what are you reading?

    What were your thoughts that Stephen King decided to make another book to the Dark Tower series?
  11. Lordlucid

    Oh wow.

    Dead Winter casserole?
  12. Lordlucid

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    We could take Warrell down the black diamonds! I really want to go snow boarding now. :/
  13. Lordlucid

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    They could play at the resort you skii at. They'd probably cause an avalanche, that could be bad for the resort.
  14. Lordlucid

    Old folks' music that you love

    CCR, Simon and Garfunkel, Paul McCartney, the beatles, all kinds of good oldies!
  15. Lordlucid

    Gaming Thread

    It was from what I played of it before my GPU busted a nut. Its an action, strategy, tower defence game. Best played casually I think.