Recent content by Loren Littlejohn

  1. Loren Littlejohn

    Multitracks - Provide the best mix, and get paid to mix the album
  2. Loren Littlejohn

    Templates: yes or no way?

    I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of having plugins already where you know you are going to use them along with having all your buses set and your 2 chain stuff dialed in the way you want. I terms of presets for plugins, I would say using them as a starting point is a good idea as well...
  3. Loren Littlejohn

    Templates: yes or no way?

    After watching professionals use them (NTM since January) I'm gonna go with yes. After making some templates myself, I'm going to say definitely fucking yes. In fact I would go so far to say it's silly not to at least start with either a preset or a mix template if you ever want to get...
  4. Loren Littlejohn

    Do you guys still listen to metal?

    Yes, a lot. Actually my taste in metal has only solidified with age. I listen to a lot more "extreme" shit in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s. Digging the new Origin.
  5. Loren Littlejohn

    Four Years After....

    Yup good to see shit going well.
  6. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    Just so we are clear I think you and I both believe in the classical definition of "alt-right" and not the hijacked version modern Republicans are using it as. People like Richard Spencer would fall under that definition (save the white race, etc... etc...). So with that said I find it hard to...
  7. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    Fuck it I'll bite. In what way is the GOP white supremacy central? Yes there are indeed racist people, there will always be racist people. It would be fucking dumb to argue otherwise. How the fuck does this make America a racist country though? Your anecdotal evidence isn't proof. I also...
  8. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    I think this is because you (probably) don't see the media as biased sans fox. I find it very easy to see though by what they cover and the questions they ask. I mean CNN pulled a bunch of shit during the election. For example, we just had the whole (additional) wiki leaks thing happen. It...
  9. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    TBH I don't hold this against him. Ask any successful person how many failures they have had and I promise it will be more than a few. No the biggest reason Trump and Clinton didn't get my vote is because in my eyes they both hold the constitution in the same regard (on the level of ass wipe...
  10. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    Yeah you have 1 thing that could be the opposite of what I'm talking about. That's just it though, you have 1 (talking mainstream acceptance, not the alex jones bullshit types) to pretty much every single other source of mainstream media. But the thing is I actually LIKE that the media is...
  11. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    The radical right wing is just as bad as the radical left wing when it comes to the first amendment. The difference is one gets a mainstream platform.
  12. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    I have an issue with the new healthcare bill. The problem is it's just as shitty as the old healthcare bill. It was written by insurance companies just like the current healthcare bill. I wish the government would stop "fixing" shit already. I have a sneaking suspicion they are going to pull...
  13. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    It's all shit fuck. The nice thing about the "crazies" is at least they fucking let you know they are biased instead of playing pretend and insulting everyone's intelligence.
  14. Loren Littlejohn

    Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

    How late night shows work: Hey look at how this motherfucking conservative got fucking wrecked! <Shows clip, clip has zero responses from the conservative who got wrecked, just some guy saying "that's a lie" over and over again in jump cuts.> Leftists everywhere "Oh my God these guys are so...
  15. Loren Littlejohn

    Colin Richardson

    He recently bought a Jaguar. lol That's about all I know.