Recent content by Losfer Words 85

  1. Losfer Words 85

    How many remember this?

    I was first introduced to Maiden when I would get rides to jr high school from an older friend. She played Piece of Mind and Powerslave constantly in the awesome, souped up 1977 Datsun F10. I've been hooked ever since. I also saw a documentary in the 80's on the band. It showed them...
  2. Losfer Words 85

    Get Well Sara Thread

    Sara: Good luck on the recovery. Get well soon. Kep rockin' Remember, soccer season will be starting soon :) John, I mean LF
  3. Losfer Words 85

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    So true Um. No pants are tight enough for that LG:hypno: I'll stick to drums. Get it stick? Drums? Oh well. Keep rockin' Ladies
  4. Losfer Words 85

    "what kinda doggie is that?"

    Beware of the Killer Chihuahua!!!
  5. Losfer Words 85

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    It's on. Ha Ha
  6. Losfer Words 85

    The please play this begging thread......

    I give it an 8. It has a good beat and I can dance to it! :)
  7. Losfer Words 85

    The Maidens in Algona last night

    All I know is I wouldn't want to mess with anyone in the band. I was great to finally meet you all at Algona. Everyone was so friendly for having no sleep and all. Great show for sure. Great CD too (especially th burp) :lol: Sorry about Mr. As*hole in the front. Low Guitar and I were...
  8. Losfer Words 85

    Maiden Tacoma

    That is Awesome. I'll be there. Looking forward to seeing the ladies play some great music. By the way, I'm not that bad of a Goalie, I just can't run around for the whole soccer game :lol: Losfer Words