Recent content by Lostbrethren

  1. Lostbrethren

    Drum warm-up

    Just wondering what peoples favorite exercises were? My personal favorite to warm-up my feet is to play singles on both hands and feet at the same time.
  2. Lostbrethren

    Sci-fi inspired Metal

    Hello, we are Lost Brethren from the UK. Please check out our first single and let us know what you think!
  3. Lostbrethren

    Inprobus death trash metal band from Slovakia

    Very cool!
  4. Lostbrethren

    Me like Metal

    Hello, my names Ant. I loves the metal.I'm in a band from the UK called Lost Brethren. We have just released our first music video.I hope some of you enjoy it!
  5. Lostbrethren

    Sci-fi inspired Metal

    Competition to win the album on Facebook
  6. Lostbrethren

    My new original metalcore song! Critque my mix or just enjoy the song, whichever lol

    The mix sounds great! You have a nice balance to my ears. I like the track too.
  7. Lostbrethren

    Galactic Mechanics - Lost Sector (Technical Death Metal)

    This is awesome! Please check out my band Lost Brethren