Recent content by Lumox

  1. L

    Corniest song title / chorus ever ?

    For me its 'Be My Druidess' by Type O Negative. Its also gotta be the worst album in my collection.
  2. L

    Good metal albums/songs to drink to.

    RAtM - Killing in the name of ...
  3. L


    I disagree. Whilst they certainly fall into the same genre as Tool they are not the same. The have their own distinctive sound and style. I also believe they will progress and evolve to a higher level than Tool. Even at this early stage in their career, their music is as complex and mature as...
  4. L

    Best of Progressive Metal

    In this order: 1. Dream Theater (the gods of prog metal/rock) 2. Opeth (they're not No.1 as they cant be classified as purely prog metal) 3. Tool 4. Spock's Beard 5. Enchant
  5. L


    I doubt anyone outside of Australia would have heard of Cog... but I recon they are set for greatness. I've seen them live and have all of their EP's ... they seem to be making quite an impact on the Sydney scene. Theres some mp3s to download there...
  6. L

    Please recommened some Metal bands?

    These bands are probably more progressive metal... Opeth Dream Theatre Liquid Tension Experement Enchant Meshuggah Cog (if you happen to live in Australia ... this band has a few high quality EP's out)
  7. L

    Porcupine Tree...

    i just bought my first Porcupine Tree Album, Lightbulb Sun. I can't say that it's taken my breath away after only 3 listens, but hoping it will grow on me. Shesmoved on is an instantly likeable song as is Hows Your Life. I'm thinking that In Absentia may have been a better way to indtroduce...