Recent content by Lupine Moon

  1. Lupine Moon

    Testament- The Gathering "Two Words"

    No doubt that The Gathering OWNS! I'd say TG and The Legacy are my two favorite Testament albums. Low was damn good too. Those guys just seem to get better with age.
  2. Lupine Moon

    Christian Death Metal band listing

    I haven't heard of many of these bands. I copied the list to a text file so I can use it as a reference in checking them out. Thanks for posting it. :cool:
  3. Lupine Moon

    Jack Black

    I think he's hilarious. He's done some shitty movies, but his old comedy acts with Kyle are great. The 'D' fucking owns! I hope they release another cd soon. The first one was funny as hell. :tickled:
  4. Lupine Moon

    Dream Theater "Train Of Thought" 11-11-03

    I'll definitely pick it up! :rock:
  5. Lupine Moon

    John Ritter is Dead!

    I grew up watching Three's Company. It may have been a stupid show, but when you're 8 years old, that shit is funny as hell! This really blows. :erk:
  6. Lupine Moon

    Dance Of Death!!!

    Just got it last night. Good shit! Even though it's not a concept album, I think it definitely has that epic feel, as with 'Seventh Son'.
  7. Lupine Moon

    New VENOM album - "Under a spell"

    Yeah, there are so many Venom re-issues it's fucking ridiculous.
  8. Lupine Moon

    Good live pics

    Someone posted this link on the Century Media forum. I thought it was pretty cool. There are some very nice live pics of several dozen bands here (including Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Testament, Slayer, etc.) Check it out.
  9. Lupine Moon

    Dance Of Death!!!

    Those of us in the US have to wait til tomorrow. :waah: I'll be picking it up right after work!
  10. Lupine Moon

    RIAA to offer amnesty

    It looks like RIAA is beginning to think twice about the image they've been projecting and the possible ramifications it could have if their bully-like tactics leave a bad taste in the mouth of the music-buying public. It's amazing the affect that bad PR can have on a corporation's convictions...
  11. Lupine Moon

    New Matrix trailer

    The new, 'International' trailer for Matrix:Revolutions was just released last week. It's pretty bad ass. :heh: It's quite a large (about 32MB) Quick Time file. If you have a really slow system, you may not want to even bother. I hope I'll have a...
  12. Lupine Moon

    can anybody tell me

    First of all, why do you want to know? Second, if you need to know, just ask Gene Wilder. He's the one who created him. Too bad Madeline Kahn passed away. After all, she had sex with him, so she should definitely know. :grin:
  13. Lupine Moon

    Brasil is the 2nd most ANTI-AMERICAN country in the world!!

    Well put. More people/countries need to accept accountability and responsibility for their own issues and problems. Blaming someone or something else for your problems only compromises you to dependency upon that entity to solve them.
  14. Lupine Moon

    Brasil is the 2nd most ANTI-AMERICAN country in the world!!

    I, among many others, are very thankful for your attitude. We're not all war-mongers here in the States. It's nice to see there are still those with enough intellectual capacity to think and judge people on an individual basis, rather than judging them by the ignorant actions of their...
  15. Lupine Moon

    Socratic method?

    It was only a joke. :loco: