Recent content by Lurena

  1. Lurena

    Selling a Nightingale shirt

    OMFG. Do you still have the shirt? I will buy it from you! It's a small! OMG! I can wear it without being swallowed in it!
  2. Lurena

    Selling a Nightingale shirt

    Aww I want one! :)
  3. Lurena

    Any chance of seeing Nightingale on Rock Band?

    "A Lesson In Evil" is the song that got me into Nightingale. It's my favorite song, right next to "Shadowman," "The One," "One of the Lonely Ones," "The Dreamreader," ...okay, crap, I have a lot of favorite Nightingale songs, haha. Anyway, I was just wondering if Nightingale would try out the...
  4. Lurena

    Any chance of seeing Nightingale on Rock Band?

    Hello! I remember a few years ago Nightingale had posted a link on their Myspace page to try and get votes for their songs to appear in Guitar Hero (I believe it was either Guitar Hero II or Guitar Hero III). I, of course, voted, but I believe that they weren't chosen to appear on the game...
  5. Lurena

    List of possible songs for a special Dan treantment

    I thought that was SO funny when I heard about that! That's so great. Personally, I'd LOVE to hear "A Lesson In Evil" updated. That was actually the very first Nightingale song I heard, and that was the song that got me hooked on Nightingale (for life!). Also, "The One" is a fantastic song...
  6. Lurena


    Sorry to necro an old thread, but any chance that there'll be a second press? If I had known there was such an edition in existence, I would have bought it immediately. I've been a huge Nightingale fan since I was fifteen; probably the only gal at my school who knew who Nightingale were! I...
  7. Lurena


    I can't wait for a new Nightingale album! This is great news!