Recent content by macgyverlol

  1. M

    Check out this new mix

    I'm gonna go against the grain and say the first mix sounds fine drumwise; it's the vocals that are too quiet to me. On Wake Darker Skies you can hear him actually enunciate the words. That said, 1.1 is an improvement, 1.2 is a step back. That's just me. Big fan though, keep up the awesome work!
  2. M

    Mic'ed up the ol' JSX again today......

    This song in this tuning is weirding me out. Gotta tell us how you get that ill bass sound. btw you guys still practice at that storage place on wendover?
  3. M

    First Attempt at Addictive Drums, (Gearbox/impulses) InFlames wannabe riffs

    It sounds like the drummer is beating the shit out of the cymbals and taking it easy on the snare and kicks. :D Guitar tone at :25 is perfection!
  4. M

    Holy shit I am on a roll...

    Am I dumb or is myspace not playing anything? I liked the first one and want to hear this one. edit: i am dumb this is awesome change your name to kyle rocks am i rite?
  5. M

    FS: ESP M-II maple board, 4 weeks old! Mint condition!

    Pay rent or... bump for sweet axe
  6. M

    Is this album-ready? Need your ears...

    Agree with abrasive guitars. One of the better snares I've heard out of Superior 1 though, nice job.
  7. M

    "Mystery producer remixes Death Magnetic"

    And that was all it took to make it presentable.
  8. M

    The Mix that SUCKS THE MOST! TOPIC

    Jamie King tried to apply his Swift formula to every band he recorded so everything that came out of the Basement sounded the same.
  9. M

    Also tried some "cab convolution" today.

    So I downloaded some impluses to give it a shot, and they sound great! Except all my playing is off time now. Is there anyway to fix this or do I just go back and rerecord drums?
  10. M

    remix of a metal track from 4 months ago

    What's the band's name? I swear they sound like The Black Dahlia Murder. Sounds awesome, by the way.