Recent content by MadYarpen

  1. MadYarpen

    Alexi passed away

    publishing those details against the will of the family is some fucked up shit.
  2. MadYarpen

    Alexi passed away

    They surely know better. How could anyone think they would continue. Unless they want to be some weird cover band. This is just not worth discussing, I even find it quite disrespectful in this thread. Probably because I am still devastated... Took me some time before I logged in here to write...
  3. MadYarpen

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    I can't say I have ever agreed with Joonas, but always when I come hear to see what is going on I can count on something actually being here, and that's also thanks to Joonas. So I'd say fuck them.
  4. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    F-bombs are not what I would change about their show... I have seen COB live once only, and sound quality was very bad (worse than ensiferum playing before them) and there was really no energy on stage. I mean alexi didn't even sweat I think, and that's fine I guess but I prefer the type of live...
  5. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Actual release is on March, 8th?
  6. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Some nice impressions here! But I'll wait till it is on spotify.
  7. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    But transference was the weakest song (not counting the ballad)
  8. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Had similar impressions after HoB/IWC. I love HoB, I think it is up there with HCDR, and then IWC came and I couldn't understand how is it possible. Now I don't know what to expect. The song is... fine I guess. some parts have nice atmosphere. I didn't like the bridge part. And yeah, doesn't...
  9. MadYarpen

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Probably everyone knows it. But I recently heard this for the first time. And while I don't think majority of their stuff is very good, this particular album, and especially this song somehow scratches the same itch as COB, at least for me. The second one to actually. I dunno... It's not...
  10. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Fuck, that glass houses sample sounds sick! Class above everything else, IMO. This road is enjoyable, though.
  11. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    I wasn't going to write anything, but then right after this song spotify played me Are You Dead Yet. I know AYDY is not their best album, but man the song itself shits on this new one. It is not terrible, but kind of meh. Maybe it will grow on me, possibly could be nice to listen to while...
  12. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    The artwork means absolutely shit, just read how they had it made. I do like it, mind you, but this is the last thing which makes me excited about the music. As regards the album... Well I was excited after HOB, and then I was shocked how they could record something like IWC after such a great...
  13. MadYarpen

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Well it will have at least one good song if you know what I mean....
  14. MadYarpen

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    It is easy to get a speeding ticket with suicide bomber, btw! It may well be the case, as that's how I was listening to the record recently. However, I still think Withershins is one of their best songs.
  15. MadYarpen

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    I see the hate for IWC is still strong here. Recently I've been driving a lot and I was really enjoying listening to the record. I still skip 2 songs more ofren than not, but overall the album has really grown on me. Suicide bomber and withershins are superb songs. IWC is great to. Also, I...