Recent content by maggot616

  1. maggot616

    A lot of recording - Help choose pickups

    Please. Pleaase. Don't destroy the sound with EMGs. You need to buy Bill Lawrence pickups. Period. ;-) Regards
  2. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey Stefan, klingt doch ganz gut soweit. Vlt noch bissl an der Ridebell velocity spielen. Die Steven Slates sind doch immer so gnadenlos ;-) Und das ist ein alter Marshall? Welcher denn? What Marshall amp is it? While the breakdown intro guitar, there is a little sound of the amp in the...
  3. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    For my taste the guitars could have a little more mids. But it's OK. It depends on everybodys taste. I think your mix sounds very interesting. Kind of rough in a positive way. (Because of the Vintage Drums) It reminds me to the old Strapping Young Lad Stuff. (Listen to "Detox") I like the...
  4. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Heay Fredoreo, sounds pretty cool. What the hell have you done with the bass? Bass through a high-gain-mesa-boogie amp :D? Sounds pretty cool so far! Maybe a lil bit more presence on the vocals?
  5. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey, whats that scratchy noise in the background? :-P Wow. That is a fucking guitar wall. What did you compress them with? Is this Amplitube? (I swar, i know that guitar sound) Regards, Felix
  6. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    I also like the guitars. How much is the Rock Master 19" thing? Maybe you should compress the drums and the vocals a little bit more. The bass sounds pretty cool. Maybe cut out about 400 Hertz on the bassdrum track. It sounds a little too vintage for this tune. What do you think...
  7. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey dude, this sounds really good. I like the guitars; what are they made with? Maybe the bass is a little too loud and maybe the vocals are a little too small. Maybe more volume and more compression? I like the breakdown. Well done. Regards
  8. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey, all of your mixes sound pretty good so far. What VSTs did you use on guitars, bass and drums? At first, the tempo is 130 bpm. At bar 61, it changes to 133. Regards, Felix
  9. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey, great work. Sounds awesome. But i forgot to tell you, that there is a tempo change in the song. ********************************************************* Type Start Time Name ISRC ********************************************************* 5 / 4 053:01:000 4 / 4 054:01:000...
  10. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey guys, the song is named "Pills of Hope" (but it is a working title still). 2 weeks ago it was named "Bloodsoaking Mothershit 45" ;-) If you are interested: Here are the wav Tracks: Let me know, if something is wrong. I don't...
  11. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS*

    Hey guys, we are the german metalcore band HYRAX. We are about to record some demos for our upcoming album. The tracks, you download are the pre-production of one of our newest songs. If you need: There is a tempo-list included. The files...
  12. maggot616

    A fresh Metalcore/Groovecore to mix for you. *WITH VOCALS

    Hey guys, we are the german metalcore band HYRAX. We are about to record some demos for our upcoming album. The tracks, you download are the pre-production of one of our newest songs. If you need: There is a tempo-list included. The files are 320 kbps mp3s. If you are really interested in...
  13. maggot616

    Pop/Punk Mix

    Hey. Still interested? I'd turn down the bass a little bit and push the vocals a lil bit by compressing it harder und giving not so much reverb on it. Maybe a little longer verb but a lil less. Understood? But just turn down the reverb. I think the drums are very cool :) great work!
  14. maggot616

    Quick scream vocal processing questions

    All you need is the BlockFish Compressor. Use the preset "Close-up Vocals". It bashes you away. Then EQ a lil bit. Boost some highs and cut all of the balls out and you will have a great vocal track, fitting perfect into the mix!
  15. maggot616

    Considering trying a new DAW

    Get Samplitude Pro! ;-)