Recent content by maggot9779

  1. maggot9779

    How to record PT sound with screen recorder?

    I don't think many are able to capture ASIO. I'm pretty sure Camtasia can but it isn't freeware.
  2. maggot9779

    I need a good amp sims.Please help

    Can't go wrong with LePou's and TSE's sims. Also Ignite Amps are pretty cool.
  3. maggot9779

    Any other good places for Raw/DI tracks for mixing practice? most of those have raw tracks. There are some on GearSlutz too.
  4. maggot9779

    Left ear right ear

    Well, being young and stupid in a band we played pretty loud at practice and didn't wear ear protection. I usually had my left ear to my cab so I imagine that is more damaged than my right ear..although I think the difference would be negligible.
  5. maggot9779

    What's up with the presets on amp modelers?

    Presets for distorted tones tend to be pretty shitty. But for cleans and FX they are a great starting point.
  6. maggot9779

    Thick hard hitting snare...FREE

    If TS doesn't mind I can reupload it.
  7. maggot9779

    New Meshuggah album guitars using VST's??

    I dunno...the songs sound pretty bland so far (I guess you could say Meshuggah has always been bland). It's like they just recycled some of their earlier riffs. :(
  8. maggot9779

    Problematic guitars and tuning methods

    I'd imagine tuning a string like that would really fuck up your sustain. Not to mention bends and such.
  9. maggot9779

    guitar samples?

    Shreddage X sounds decent and it's only $69.
  10. maggot9779

    Cubase question

    Go to File>Export>Audio Mixdown>Select the guitar tracks on the left>It should be Wave as default but if not choose it from the format list>Export>Done.
  11. maggot9779

    Favorite non-metal mixes

    Pretty much anything from Oceansize.
  12. maggot9779

    New OPETH "Heritage" album streaming online now!

    Hm. I'm not too keen on it so far but i'm not even half way through yet so i'll give it a chance before I call it shit :)
  13. maggot9779

    Trying to make the Peavey valveking do metalcore

    You should also try plugging a 1/8 to 1/4 adapter thing into the "1" input and plug the guitar into "2". It gives you a gain boost if memory serves.
  14. maggot9779

    Need a fresh perspective.

    Add some compression to the whole mix? I'm already compressing the stereo buss around 2-3db and most of the tracks have some compression on them, maybe I need to dial it up a bit.
  15. maggot9779

    Need a fresh perspective.

    This is the first time i've mixed mainly with PC speakers and done fine tune stuff with headphones and I need some fresh ears. The song comes from by the way. Thanks.