Recent content by Maladrear

  1. M

    The RC baby thread

    Really impressed to read so many of you fathers are actively engaged in raising your children! You seem like really devoted fathers, sure your kids will grow up to be astronauts and neurosurgeons. How could they not with faces like that m i rite ?These pictures are absolutely precious, makes...
  2. M

    Males and Females

    AHAHAHAHA I haven't been here long enough to know which one of you is actually the turd but... Krow +1 lol
  3. M

    The Official Movie Thread

    Wow... will definitely havee to check out these Moodysson films, they sound right up my alley. Downloading Lilya 4-ever and Fucking Amal right now. Imagining something like a mix between gummo, what's eating gilbert grape, and let the right one in.
  4. M

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Slam is never a musical masterpiece but entertaining for a little while when you're in the mood for it. I think Children of Bodom, Opeth and Agalloch are terrible uninspired bands.
  5. M

    Hawt guys

    Wtf, I know this guy. He lives in Florida and loves Swedish fish.
  6. M

    Black Metal.

    One of the best and often overlooked black metal albums is bestial warlust's "vengeance war til death" fucking beeyooitiful. Aggressive raw black metal at its finest.
  7. M

    Fellas - about the T&A thread......

    Hahahaha and a big, resounding "NOoOOooOOooOOoo!!!" was heard throughout the Internet.
  8. M

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    alexi laiho is a short emo faggot and CoB is really not all that good.
  9. M

    Where the hell do you live?

    Oh man... seriously craving a shredded beef chimichanga smothered in guacamole. With a horchata. Oh jeez...
  10. M

    Hellfest 2011

    Enjoy your retarded your lonely retarded corner of the internet you're so dead set on carving out, loser basement dwellers.
  11. M

    Where the hell do you live?

    This. Does this mean it's okay for me to express that I have no problem with gentrification? How are you guys in terms of un-pc stuff? I just got bitched at on another forum for finding def leppard's one armed drummer hilarious.
  12. M

    Life Quality Poll 2011

    Pretty baseline. I'm going through a break up and my best friend is moving out of the country but otherwise I'm a pretty lucky person otherwise so I cant really complain. I'd give a biography as per acai's request but after watching dark city I can't be sure if my memories were implanted or not :(
  13. M

    Hellfest 2011

    Are you serious? Didn't he lose his arm in a drunk driving accident in which he murdered an innocent person? For that alone he deserves no one's sympathy. Besides that, get a sense of humor. A one armed drummer is practically right out of Spinal Tap. I have actually met Jeff irl, he is a super...
  14. M

    Comic Book Dorks Unite!

    Transmetropolitan may be my all time favorite literary work ever. Right now I'm reading The Boys. Was never a fan of Marvel though, I could just never get into it.
  15. M

    Hellfest 2011

    Yes. It's fucking depressing. Their performance totally lacked any of the things that made possessed awesome in the 80s. Sure it's not his fault, but being the only original member, he needs to be able to carry the band which is damn near impossible from a wheelchair. No flailing and thrashing...