Recent content by Maniacal

  1. Maniacal

    Bands you have never seen live that you have always wanted to?

    Gary Moore (early to mid 80's era) Metallica (w/Cliff) Thin Lizzy (w/Phil) The Ramones (got interested in them too late) AC/DC (w/Bon) Cradle Of Filth (when Nick was still drumming for them)
  2. Maniacal

    "Eddie Rips Up The World" Tour Setlist!

    Unfortunately, Maidens coming on the one day in August that I absolutely cannot miss at work . . . =O(
  3. Maniacal

    "Eddie Rips Up The World" Tour Setlist!

    Yeah, the one hour time limit is going to leave a lot of great songs off the set list during "Snoozefest" . . .
  4. Maniacal

    Iron Maidens in Portland 2005 now on DVD

    My copy arrived yesterday. Thanks so much!
  5. Maniacal

    Maiden songs played live

    They definitely played To Tame A Land back on the Piece of Mind Tour. That's the only time I heard that tune live (way back in 1983).
  6. Maniacal

    Iron Maidens in Portland 2005 now on DVD

    I just PayPal'd ya as well. Thank you for doing this!
  7. Maniacal

    What other types of music do Maiden/ Maidens fans enjoy?

    Like everyone else who's replied, my taste is eclectic as well! Currently listening to: *BoA (Korea) - All *Fin.k.l (Korea) - Vol 4 *Clazziquai Project (Korea) - Remix *Judas Priest (UK) - Most of the remasters *Bond (UK/Aussie) - Classified *Nachtmystium (US) - Demise *Deathspell...
  8. Maniacal

    The Iron Maidens Tribute CD - Reviews Thread

    I'm listening to my copy right now as I type this (showed up in yesterday's mail).
  9. Maniacal

    What songs should we record on our TRIBUTE ALBUM

    Oops. Insert Aces High or Rime after The Trooper .. . :)
  10. Maniacal

    What songs should we record on our TRIBUTE ALBUM

    I'd like to hear something off of every release: Invasion (I believe that's the name of the tune off of the Soundhouse Tapes) Running Free (Sanctuary or Iron Maiden would do as well) Wrathchild Killers (live ala Maiden Japan) Number Of The Beast The Trooper Phantom Of The...
  11. Maniacal

    Dec. 11 show in Seattle?

    Thanks for the info! Now I can plan accordingly . . .
  12. Maniacal

    Dec. 11 show in Seattle?

    Any word about this show???
  13. Maniacal

    Dec. 11 show in Seattle?

    There's a TBA on the shows page. I'd also like more info about this potential Seattle show if at all possible. Thanks in advance.
  14. Maniacal

    IRON MAIDENS in Tacoma

    What's the current set list?
  15. Maniacal

    Best "the Trooper" cover?

    I like Beyond The Embrace's cover of The Trooper (complete with an Aces High intro). The only problem is I know they're capable of better as their recording sounds more like a warm up-rehearsal take than the "real thing".