Recent content by ManOfMusic

  1. M

    Michael Kammeyer on french radio !!!!!!!!!

    The best one was something involving one of the songs possibly being 'death metal' or something along those lines. Hillarious but highly interesting stuff.
  2. M

    Legend of the Bone Carver = Amazing

    I guess the album has leaked. I will sure to pick up the album when it is officially released, and not before. Always has been that way, always will. Although I caught a couple more songs from that French radio interview Michael took part in last night and they sounded mindblowing. I truly...
  3. M

    The official 'QUESTIONS TO THE BAND' thread

    Ahhhhh man, way to increase my anticipation of the new album tenfold man.;) My personal favourite is hard to choose as there was no filler whatsoever on 'Melancholy Beast'. Possibly 'Forsaken Kingdom' is my standout though.
  4. M

    The official 'QUESTIONS TO THE BAND' thread

    I try not to, but I just can't help my excitement sometimes. ;) @Michael: Thanks a lot man. \m/ EDIT: Hate to 'hog' the thread but just one more question for any band member: Do any of you have a standout favourite Pyramaze song yourselves? One which you feel most proud of or enjoy...
  5. M

    The official 'QUESTIONS TO THE BAND' thread

    *Emails* Looks like I deserve to be in alot of pain myself after that cock up.:erk: ;)
  6. M

    The official 'QUESTIONS TO THE BAND' thread

    I would be Eternally greatful if you could possibly send me a Medium sized shirt somehow..if needs be a Large sized would do as I'm not gonna lie to ya, I am an impatient guy, heh. Thanks so much for the detailed reply my friend.:) *puts on Souls Of Pain for the fourth time today* :worship:
  7. M

    The official 'QUESTIONS TO THE BAND' thread

    Just joined the forum and have a couple of questions for you fellows: 1. Is there any real way to get hold of those breathtaking 'Melancholy Beast' T- Shirts? Apparently they are all sold out so is there really no chance of getting a hold of one? :( It'd feel great to roam the streets wearing...
  8. M

    New website up dudes!

    As crazy as this sounds I may have found my favourite song of 2006 already. :worship: Seriously, Souls In Pain ranks as one of my favourite Pyramaze songs and sets things up wonderfully for the new album. It is great to see you still retaining that powerful pyramaze 'sound' with the new...