Recent content by manyou

  1. manyou

    Summer Festivals 2010

    You're Lucky. It's Sold Out Now.
  2. manyou

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday!
  3. manyou

    Summer Festivals 2010

    I will also be there. This will get very awesome!
  4. manyou

    Summer Festivals 2010

    Children of Bodom comes to the german "Summer-Breeze"-festival as Headlinerl:
  5. manyou

    COB T Shirts?

    thx for your help.
  6. manyou

    Alexi's "Guitar players finger better"

    Can anyone please tell me if they are also shipping to germany and how much it costs because i didn't find anything on their homepage.
  7. manyou

    How long have you been a Bodom fan?

    For 3-4 Years now and it began with Every time I die...
  8. manyou

    COB T Shirts?

    Hey guys, Sorry for this question again but as far as I've seen there is no way to get the "Creature pf the night"-Shirt at the internet. Is that right? Is there any way to get it? thanks, manyou
  9. manyou

    COB Pics

    I found some pictures and hope they aren't postet yet. They are from the Rock Hard festival 2009. Here is the Source... ... and here are the pics:
  10. manyou

    Happy Birthday Jaska!

  11. manyou

    Happy Birthday Jaska!

    Happy Birthday to both of you!
  12. manyou

    Roy The Reaper bobblehead

    the face looks a bit like Darth Vader