Recent content by maroon_hate

  1. M

    New Song (Prog-core-ish) Opinions?

    sounds great man! :D love the song
  2. M

    Anyone want some sexual man chocolate?

    Thanks for the great files man :D Here are some parts of my mix: Pretty like the result, but i will improve it. How did you record the DI's ? ,they sound great!!
  3. M

    Romance Is Dead - Parkway Drive cover!

    DI's would be great :) Would do you use for recording?
  4. M

    Difference between SE Electronics SE2000 and SE2000A

    Thanks for your suggestions! I think i'll buy the Sm7b! I also want clearer/better DI's than with only my Presonus Firepod. Should I buy a good DI box or a Mic/Instr. Preamp like the M Audio DMP3 for Guitar and Mic?
  5. M

    Difference between SE Electronics SE2000 and SE2000A

    I am locking for a usable Large-diaphragm Microphone for clean vocals,screaming , guitar , room,.. I found this two mics: But whats the difference? What...
  6. M

    Within The Ruins-"Tractor Pull" Cover (Podfarm, S2.0, Legion)

    Here is my quick Mix : Tell me what you think guys :goggly:
  7. M

    A band that sounds a lot like For The Fallen Dreams... How do you like my mix? :) Great Band !
  8. M

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

    For example: Iran's dictatorship is so firm because of Americas help. They are a part of it. So a lot of people who hate the dictorship are angry and helpless and they know that they would have a change ,if other countries wouldn't be involved. They are angry , not because they want to...
  9. M

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

    America is real terrorism. So muuuuuchhhhh more people died because of the fight against fuckas like him. Just big lies to make rich people richer. :Puke:
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  11. M

    Back to the roots

    :OMG: HUGEEE Love Bass and Guitar Tone! Any chance of some more infos? Personally i don't like drums sooo much(snare,hihat could be turned down a little,..) Overall great great mix and songwriting! wow
  12. M

    First attempt at NSGUITAR'S Stems

    sounds damn good man! i would kill for this files :waah:
  13. M

    Better/less noisy DI's

    I use a ESP LTD MH250 (passive Emg Hz pickups) , about 10 euro cable and a Presonus Firepod! I am happy with my tone itself, but der is too much noise going on the whole time while playing. (i use noise gate etc. ,but while playing the tone ist "too" noisy for my taste) I know that i should...
  14. M

    Mix for my Band's Album / Full Song / Real Guitars

    Hobts ihr einmal am Donauinselfest gespielt? Mix sounds good to me, but drums could be better!