Recent content by Mass_Strangulation

  1. Mass_Strangulation

    Six Feet of Foreplay wishes Merry Christmas!

    nice tune guys:rock:
  2. Mass_Strangulation

    Aeon - Rise To Dominate

    Aeon are better musicians indeed u cant hear the corpse riffs, or corpsegrinder screams??? lol....Well, this album does pwn CC cds anyday iv had the pleasure of meeting Alex and his dad a couple times here in Buffalo and on a roadtrip back from Cleveland @ a McDonalds...hahaha
  3. Mass_Strangulation

    Aeon - Rise To Dominate

    its a great cd but theres things i dont like about it... Because of the close relationship to Cannibal Corpse, u can tell that they had a HUGE influence on this album (i.e. Corpsegrinder like screams, and generic Cannibal Corpse riffs) the lyrics are pure Aeon, but the musical side of it...
  4. Mass_Strangulation

    Death Metal Bands

    lol season 2 starts in 2 weeks :worship:
  5. Mass_Strangulation


    lol i mastered the gh2 version on expert :P
  6. Mass_Strangulation

    Six Feet of Foreplay

    badass tunes guys, hope we see a demo sometime soon from you Definately reminds me of BD session riffs... Hey Blakkheim, im sure u can somehow mold these 3 into Bloodbath, quite a perfect fit if u ask me :kickass: added u guys on myspace:kickass:
  7. Mass_Strangulation

    TWO new shirt designs + others restocked

    got my shirts in the mail today the RTC shirt is truly Badass:kickass: got me a Black DM, RTC shirt, and a new Breeding Death shirt *old one is looking a lil faded, hehe:)*:kickass: RTC shirt = my new shirt to wear to shows :rock: :rock:
  8. Mass_Strangulation

    Yiiiihaaaa, it's done: New Bloodbath-Shirts available on

    i ordered 2!!!:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  9. Mass_Strangulation

    anyone in Toronto/Buffalo/Rochester area from 11/14-11/16

    11/14 - Toronto - Fear Factory, Suffocation, Hypocrisy, Decapitated 11/15 - Rochester, NY - Suffocation, Hypocrisy, Decapitated *NO FEAR FACTORY :) = longer Sets :kickass: 11/16 - Buffalo, NY - Cannibal Corpse w/Dying Fetus, Necrophagist i know theres people in these areas on this...
  10. Mass_Strangulation

    What gigs are you going to? Arrange meets.

    11/14 Toronto - Fear Factory, Suffocation, Hypocrisy, Decapitated 11/15 Rochester - Suffocation w/Hypocrisy, Decapitated *NO FEAR FACTORY :D = Longer Set Times :kickass:* 11/16 Buffalo - Cannibal Corpse w/Dying Fetus, Necrophagist Anyone going to any of these shows???
  11. Mass_Strangulation

    Please post all US Tour October-November 2006 reviews/setlists/picture links HERE

    seeing hypocrisy tomorrow in toronto, and then im going to rochester the next day (with no Fear Factory = longer set times :D) on the 15th anyone in the toronto area?? meet up probably and ill buy ya a beer or something :p. ill probably do a review in a few days when im back home. this is my...
  12. Mass_Strangulation

    TORONTO SHOW 10/25

    ya, i couldnt go unfortunately. :( i knew the show was gonna be awesome, nobody i knew couldnt go cuz they had to work in the morning and shit *i had to also, but i woulda showed up late if i had to :)* grr maybe next time *starts praying for another toronto/buffalo area show sometime in the...
  13. Mass_Strangulation

    TORONTO SHOW 10/25

    Whos going??? im trying to go, thinking either greyhound bus or hitchhike? anyone traveling past buffalo to toronto :p
  14. Mass_Strangulation

    Selling off my Blood Red shirt...

    u wanna know y it went for $120... cuz i was battling it out with some other guy for that shirt i had a 0 for my ebay account, it was actually @ $160 for that shirt, then 1hr before it ended, the seller cancelled my bids cuz he thought i was gonna not pay for it. this was a month after it...
  15. Mass_Strangulation

    About me leaving Bloodbath

    well, u gotta understand the area here in western ny... all we ever get around here is crappy hardcore bands and shitty emo bands. whenever a good band comes around, they go to toronto then they skip right by buffalo/rochester and go to cleveland, oh. The guy probably suffers from to much...