Recent content by massacre

  1. massacre

    What are you listening to?

    Ben Harper - She's Only Happy In The Sun
  2. massacre


    My lip is the only interesting thing I have pierced. I used to have my belly button, but it got infected. Booooo.
  3. massacre


    I remember when I discovered Warmen. I asked everyone else in my school who liked COB longer than me about them, and no one knew who they were. Great side project.
  4. massacre

    What Is Your HEIGHT??

    I am 5' 2"..
  5. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    Maybe 8 in the past 3 years. I'm pretty serious when it comes to relationships, I don't like wasting my time.
  6. massacre

    Sweet guitars

    I like neon green.
  7. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    Its truely not like that. It seems I have been giving the impression that I sleep with every guy I date, and that is not true. I'm not like that. Or that nieve.
  8. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

  9. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    No, decent older guys. I guess. My partners have to be approved by my parents, therefore, anythign that we do, they can't really get in trouble for, because neither me nor my parents would ever file for SR. Thats generally the way it works. Atleast, how I've been lead to beleive.
  10. massacre

    Great Irony Throughout History

    Dave Grohl was the drummer for Nirvana. Irony: He is now the singer in the Foo Fighters.
  11. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    xD What??
  12. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    Yes, but I've dated two or three decent ones. I like being sexually active, but not to an extent to where somthing shitty happens. That ruins it.
  13. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    No, unfortunatly, I do not. :erk: Cool Quality About Me You Should Know: I am one of the few people you will meet that DIE to have their hair pulled. Hard. Just thought that was cool enough to share at this point in time. Seeing in how many people here have lenthy hair that is probably...
  14. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    I beleive you are quite right. But this is New England. Rhode Island to be more specific, and here, thats what people care about.... Its all I've ever really known, and I usually date much older guys, 16-19. Rarely below that mark. Rarely. And thats 'respectfull' in their minds.
  15. massacre

    Own Pictures Thread

    Oh yes. :Spin: No, its the fact that whenever some one associates me with looking older, I automatically asume its because of that. You would understand if you met me in person. No one ever looks at my face. :erk: