Recent content by Matt.CL

  1. Matt.CL

    New Metalcore Mix / Need Advise Please!

    this could sound amazing, needs some tweaking, should be more 'in your face', panning is weird too i think.
  2. Matt.CL

    Crazy Tacting Heavyness. Heavyest Mix, I have ever done! (CHECK IT OUT)

    guitar sound is a bit weak to be honest
  3. Matt.CL

    rate my vox?

    4/10 but with proper mixing it could sound better
  4. Matt.CL

    New idea from Dandelium. My first mix with this current setup!

    i dig it!, but that snare stands out too much imo
  5. Matt.CL

    Djent/Hardcore mix - opinions wanted??

    yeah it sounds like Structures, Volumes and such bands, i think you could stand out if you added something new to the style. but nice mix dude, i dig it, even though it seems a bit muddy, maybe because it's youtube quality
  6. Matt.CL

    This is my band! [shy haha!]

    i like it dude, sounds a bit (tiny bit) like letlive. i really like this post hardcore style you got.
  7. Matt.CL

    my first dirty mix!!!

    holy shit that kick!!!
  8. Matt.CL

    A new Mix, probably my best (BLACK DALIAH STYLE)

    if they speeded up their music a bit they could sound something like the black dahlia murder
  9. Matt.CL

    Probably one of my favorite mixes yet! (NON-GENERICORE!)

    haha that's smart dude, great mix. they sound like the bastard child of misery signals and underoath guitars sound a bit hollow/lifeless. don't know they lack presence or something
  10. Matt.CL

    RAW: Real amps, drums, bass, vox, no click

    i think you could cut some mids, and drums are not fitting the song, especially the kick. i'd add some wild reverb for the vocals and bury them a bit.
  11. Matt.CL

    ETID-style band...ETID-style mix.

    who the fuck would like to sound exactly like another band? but you did an amazing job dude. this sounds amazing
  12. Matt.CL

    My Test of LeCto. quite pleasing results so far.

    i dig it man, maybe guitars are a bit loud but not too bad. is this quadtracked? and which impulse you used on right side and left side?
  13. Matt.CL

    Finished tracking this song! Tips on the Mix?

    like the song, the mix is muddy as fuck and has no punch, it just doesn't sound right imo.
  14. Matt.CL

    Are these drums TACTing?

    i don't really dig the hi-hat. and those guitars are sounding weak as fuck
  15. Matt.CL

    Are these drums TACTing?

    i think snare is kinda weak. and the sound of that kick might not survive in a mix with bass and guitars that's why you should record every other instrument to tease a drum sound imo.