Recent content by Matthauz

  1. Matthauz

    Bands selling out/Mainstream bands

    Hey i listen to a lot of metal ok, a lot of other music too, I'm not saying people aren't allowed to look into music, but dont poo poo it because it's mainstream.
  2. Matthauz

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Listen to Some... Decapitated Mastodon DJ6666 Destroyer 666
  3. Matthauz

    Everyones favorite band

    Rage against the machine
  4. Matthauz

    Bands selling out/Mainstream bands

    Y'know that's just life, people can argue with me but I know I'm right. No band is better than another just because they have less fans, and because someone has heard them and i haven't. In fact theyre likely to be worse if they have less fans or indeed I havent heard of them...
  5. Matthauz

    Bands selling out/Mainstream bands

    I've seen a lot on here of metalheads bitching about bands that are mainstream, such as Lamb Of God, one of my personal favourites. Simply saying : "They're too mainstream, and that makes them shit" It makes me sick when people bitch about bands becoming mainstream. People start bands...
  6. Matthauz

    Lamb of God

    It makes me sick when people bitch about bands becoming mainstream. People start bands to make music and get famous, to put their music out and touch as many people as possible. That's what music is about, making a buck or two is a bonus and merely a result of our culture. I'm sure most...
  7. Matthauz


    :rock: I would say Lamb Of God, I have never been so bruised, battered, adrenaline filled and happy all at the same time! :rock: