Recent content by mawk

  1. M

    Exploring Black Metal

    Give Evemaster a try - "Lacrima Mundi" or the latest one, "Wither" seem like good starting points for Black Metal, they use the drum & vocal stylings without throwing out melody altogether. Although much derided and not exactly Black Metal, Cradle of Filth's "From the Cradle to Enslave" and...
  2. M

    Why the hell no Hammerfall...

    Ouch! Saucer of milk for Eagle, please...
  3. M

    "I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

    Err... no? When this came out it was like a ray of light at the end of a very long, sorry tunnel named "techno". :cry:
  4. M

    The last main stage slot??

    I don't think we want to cell you short by prematurely announcing the last act, just in case we're wrong. Best to wait for the official announcement. Precaution and not impatience, comrade!
  5. M

    The last main stage slot??

    This is fantastic, I've just received their new album and it's totally crushing. Perfect warm-up for Bodom! Eagle, where do you get your info?
  6. M

    Two new bands announced are bad

    White Buffalo are dead good, though. Not sure about those other two...
  7. M

    St Patrick's Day in London - Illuminatus

    Sheffield, eh? Sounds like a grand idea. Where's the best place to play? Hear mixed reports about the Casbah, don't really know anywhere else except the Leadmill (and I don't think they'll be booking scum like us just yet).
  8. M

    St Patrick's Day in London - Illuminatus

    As Illuminatus gear up to demolish the main stage of Bloodstock this Autumn, we'll be playing a number of low-key dates around the country, to give some of you a taste of what to expect. First one is a London date at the infamous Dublin Castle in Camden on St Patrick's Day, Wednesday March...
  9. M

    US Ozzfest Lineup does include Priest...

    You have to make an exception for Lamb of God, though: what an utterly superb band and supreme justice to see them as a permanent fixture on the bill where they deserve to be. Shame they're lumped in with dross like Hatebreed and Slipknot, but hey...
  10. M

    Kerrang! Bloodstock review (read it here)

    Whoa there Bloodstockers! I respect Nick's willingness to come on these boards and defend his opinion and his "metal pride" as well as Kerrang's reputation. That is "metal", not dressing up in armour, singing about dragons and/or slagging off the mainstream. Although the review was a bit...
  11. M

    Cruel humanity - on the road

    Very high, Mr Eagle, although probably not until early February. I haven't played the Adelphi since I was a wee nipper of 17! I should think Infobia would definitely be on board for that one.
  12. M

    Put me out of my Misery... Please!!!

    Have to agree with Lydian Lady - amazing night, real shame about the small turnout. Infobia were terrific showmen, enjoyed watching them even though their music isn't really my thing (man). What was that egg joke all about? I thought that I would understand Yorkshire humour, being from Hull...
  13. M

    illuminatus live dates

    If you enjoyed our set at BS '03, or if you missed us (what were you thinking?) and want to see what the hoo-ha was all about, come catch Illuminatus live in November: 12th November- The Shed, Leicester illuminatus + pirrus + support. £3 on the door - kickoff 9pm 20th November-...
  14. M

    Got your ticket yet?

    ¿Cabrón, a ti no te gustan las communistas?!? ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Compras Aborted Revolutionistas, ahora! ¡Viva la revolución!
  15. M

    My letter is in Kerrang! re: the Stock

    Lagoon, you're the man. Probolt is utterly awesome, Kerrang! will nevery learn if they aren't told - for which further kudos - and getting K! coverage is still a sine qua non for any up-and-coming band. I'm old enough to remember when Kerrang! really *was* underground, full of Maiden, Bolt...