Recent content by maxxkagato

  1. M

    woe, is me - number[s] (woeeee!)

    I'm also curious about how the original mixes compare to the final masters. I checked out Chango's myspace and all of their tunes have this god awful high end. Maybe its the cymbal samples the guy uses or how he processes them. I googled Chango and also found that they have a myspace...
  2. M

    For Today's latest release - Breaker

    I've mixed these guys a few times at various fests and venues and I have to say, their new tunes are a lot better than their old ones. The drums on their previous releases were just so triggery and fake sounding.... to the point that I recall seeing kids post on their myspace asking if the...
  3. M

    To all that posted drum samples/impulses...

    That would be fantastic. There are a lot of dead links when I search for samples, so an updated archive would be greatly appreciated.
  4. M

    changing guitar strings

    I did some searching, but didn't find a post on this topic, so if someone knows where it is, please send me on my way. When doing a record where you are using one or two guitars for many hours on end, how often do you change strings to keep the tone fresh? I feel it is hard to tell when...
  5. M

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    The hiss is there regardless if there is a pedal between the reamp box and the amp or not. :u-huh:
  6. M

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    yep. its a balanced trs to xlr cable.
  7. M

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    well, it isn't buzzing, and if i do that, then the amp starts buzzing rather loudly.
  8. M

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    I have a reamping question. When ever I plug in my reamp box to the amplifier (this is occurs on any amp I use) there is a noticeable amount of white noise hiss that is added. Now, for a lot of parts it isn't a big deal, but on long chuggy parts or when a chord is held out long, it can...
  9. M

    VHT Midrange Heaven!

    They make some fantastic amps. Has anyone here tried the VHT Deliverance? I tried searching but didn't come up with much.
  10. M

    How many of you guys went to school for Audio Engineering?

    One thing I forgot to mention, don't expect to learn in one year at a school that would take you 8 years on your own. Most school programs just get your feet wet. Audio engineering is a life pursuit and some people get it fast, some people get it slow and some people never will. The only...
  11. M

    How many of you guys went to school for Audio Engineering?

    I graduated from the institute for production and recording ( You get out of these programs what you put in to them. IPR was open 24 hours a day, so for the duration of my study there, I didn't sleep. I figured out ways to get the maximum amount of studio time and made...
  12. M

    cabinet question

    Thanks for the replies. I posted this same thread on gearslutz and got absolutely zilch. Are you hearing the same annoying frequency before you record it? Yes I do, but if I use the knobs to minimize it, I lose a lot of the sound that I like. What mic(s) are you using? sm57 what...
  13. M

    cabinet question

    Greetings, long time reader, 1st time poster. I've spent most of my recording time recording various amplifiers (Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier, VHT Deliverance, 5150, Framus Cobra) through my Boogie 4x12 slant cab w/ V30s and the common theme I find is that there is always this annoying peaky...