Recent content by McGarnacle

  1. McGarnacle

    Thrash Metal Song : what do you think?

    Wow, banging song and that mix is killer dude. Gotta agree with the dude above me, the vocals need something else. Get rid of that reverb. The vocals need to be right in the middle on a song like this and maybe they need a touch more compression. Your stuff remind me of Hatesphere. One of their...
  2. McGarnacle

    Free Multitracks & DIs Download List

    Thank you. Really appreciate this!
  3. McGarnacle

    Aborted - Divine Impediment (cover)

    Guitar tone is not my forte, but the tone just sounds like something off an old black metal record or something you'd hear on a doom metal band. Best advice I can offer is use reference tracks. Listen to the actual track from Aborted then switch to yours and hear the difference.
  4. McGarnacle

    Aborted - Divine Impediment (cover)

    That guitar tone is pretty rough, the whole track is pretty muddy too but most of the mud comes from the guitars. I'd go a whole new cab or do some serious EQ'ing.
  5. McGarnacle

    Entombed - Wolverine Blues Cover RIP LG Petrov (Multitracks)

    Dude this is sick. Those vocals are killer.
  6. McGarnacle

    Immortal - Where Dark And Light Don't Differ (Instr. Cover with DIs and midi tracks free download)

    The band is killer so no surprises there. If you could do something off Sons of Northern Darkness that would be amazing.
  7. McGarnacle

    Immortal - Where Dark And Light Don't Differ (Instr. Cover with DIs and midi tracks free download)

    Nice, thanks for all your classic Immortal posts lately \m/
  8. McGarnacle

    Dying Fetus - Grotesque Impalement - Video Cover

    Dude that guitar tone is sick as fuck man, awesome job. The overall balance and tone of everything is on point. Only critique would be the drums sound too "djenty". I know we all use samples these days but I think this band suits a more punchy natural sound. Less boom and sustain on the kick and...
  9. McGarnacle

    Not One Of Us - Heart Of Eve Synth Metal (Multitracks)

    Link works fine now mate!
  10. McGarnacle

    [MULTITRACKS] Mixing Contest - Win Mercuriall amp sim!

    So was the winner for this ever announced? I couldn't find any info about it on the website?
  11. McGarnacle

    Free Multitracks & DIs Download List

    Hey man, this is some awesome work and a big time saver for someone like me who is always on the hunt for some sweet multi's. Appreciate you listing what's contained in each package too. Legend and much appreciated my man! \m/
  12. McGarnacle

    Mix Critique - Demo Song

    First of all really digging the song overall man, great atmosphere and the vocals have this cool old school black metal feel. I can't really fault the mix either, it sounds punchy and the guitar tone suits the style. Drums sounds good, maybe eq a bit off the top of the toms, but that's just...
  13. McGarnacle

    August Burns Red - Composure (cover + full stems)

    That is really harsh on the high end man, I'd pretty much take all bus's and master bus down a few db's in the upper range and pump up the bass too.
  14. McGarnacle

    Eurobass II Mix Demo (Feedback?)

    One thing that stands out to me is the drums are too loud and the kick is way to thuddy at the very bottom end. Maybe bring your drum bus down and high pass that kick at around 40-60hz. Other than that, sounds really good man.
  15. McGarnacle

    Nothing Else Majors - Major key Metallica Cover with tabs/notation linked

    Hey man, that was really cool, really digging it. It's like a cool summer breeze on a sleepy coastal town or something haha, I dunno, just really digging the vibe and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great job.