Recent content by Media331

  1. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Holy crap you guys are awesome. These simple adjustments made such a difference. The tone I'm getting from these toms now is incredible - extremely balanced. I applied these same techniques to my snare and kick and the results were just as awesome. I assumed having my D6 very close to the...
  2. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Thanks for all the responses guys. I'm glad this birthed some good discussion. I'm definitely gonna work on my overhead setup. -Jonathan
  3. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Oh wow, good tip. Never heard this one! Thanks for the help dude. -Jonathan
  4. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Yeah I hear ya. I always thought and was told to aim at the center. Maybe halfway between the center and rim? I'll be back in the studio Thursday so I'll experiment with these tips then. Thanx dude. -Jonathan
  5. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Yeah sounds like I gotta pull back a bit. I have the Audix D2's on the rack tom and the D4 on the floor tom. As far as overheads, when I'm mixing I feel like once the cymbals are sitting nice in the mix you can't even hear the toms anymore. Am I setting up my overheads incorrectly? I pretty...
  6. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Thanks dude I'm gonna watch it now. Much appreciated! -Jonathan
  7. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Thanks dude. Yeah like I said I'm not a drummer so for all I know I can be wrong about the tuning. I've researched a lot about tuning and think I did a fairly good job, but hey who knows. Okay so I'll try backing the mic off a bit. Thanks again. -Jonathan
  8. M

    Help with Drums!!

    Hey guys, So I'm having trouble micing my tom's. I seem to always get a really boomy/muddy tom recording. Granted, after eq'ing it sounds decent, but you can only polish a turd so much. I don't think I'm tuning my toms too low - doesn't seem like it - but then again I'm not a drummer...
  9. M

    My current production

    Great final mix dude. I love it.
  10. M

    Screamo Mix - Need Fresh Ears Comments

    The mix sounds pretty perfect. What did you use for the guitars? -Jonathan
  11. M

    Misery Signals Cover

    Wow I'm blown away by this. Usually people are way off on covers when it comes to tone matching, but you sir, you really did some good work. I love the effects on that lead. You care to share your verb/delay settings? -Jonathan
  12. M

    My current production

    I'm really diggin this mix. I think the only thing I would change is the vocal level - I think they are a bit too loud and kinda sound disconnected from the rest of the mix. But I'm really being picky - it's a very good mix as is. -Jonathan
  13. M

    Deathcore mix needs work

    Exactly what thefalloftheheretic said. You shouldn't have to pan each track to the center. There should be a switch on the master buss, but I don't know what DAW you're using.
  14. M

    Can't get these clean vocals to sit well

    Yeah the telephone effect is definitely what I hear. Also, it sounds like you are using vocal correction on the cleans - and if you are I don't think you dialed in the right key of the song. It seems like it's pulling your voice into bad notes. I'm really not trying to be funny or mean at...
  15. M

    help me improve my mix

    Everything sounds like it's in the center. Definitely pan some stuff apart and get that stereo image much wider. The mix would breathe so much more and not feel so squashed together. Cool guitar tone. -Jonathan