Recent content by Mega Metal Man

  1. M

    Krank Amps Newsflash

    It's all in the fingers. Amott is going to sound like Amott no matter what he plays on. Same as Clapton or Satriani. They're going to sound like them no matter WHAT they play on. If you have good tone in your fingers, you're going to have good tone on any amp. I think that's much more important...
  2. M

    First Real mix

    Agreed, if that's your first mix ever, you're on a brilliant path.
  3. M

    4x12" V30 Marhall vs. Mesa Boogie

    A more important question is WHICH marshall 4x12 cabinet?! That 1960's tweed cabinet is the best 4x12 cabinet I've ever heard. Low end is beautiful and the mids are as smooth as butter. Oversized Mesas are no good but guitar players love 'em. They think it's heavy when they play a power chord...
  4. M

    First Real mix

    Kick sounds like a basketball bouncing. Cymbals sound compressed to oblivion. Guitar tone isn't really full range (not smooth and even throughout its frequency range) and I can't hear the bass at all. Snare sounds ok. What kind of amp did you use for the guitars?! And most importantly, was the...
  5. M


    That Krank pedal is the worst thing I've ever heard. I borrowed one from a friend and when I realized that it completely destroyed the guitar tone, I used it to create the most terrible bass distortion ever (which actually was pretty sweet). If you use it for fucked up bass distortion, you're...
  6. M

    44.1khz or 192 khz?! Read & Comment

    Alright's some ACTUAL information about sample rates and bit depths. Make your decisions about what you want to use: In digital recording, sample rates dictate the number of "snapshots" of audio that are sampled every second. 44.1kHz = 44100 samples per second. While this...