Recent content by MelissaX

  1. M

    Opinions on these bands...

    1. Machine Head - I remember liking some of their older stuff YEARS ago but becoming less and less impressed as I got older and with their newer stuff... blegh. 2. The Devil Wears Prada What?!? Isn't that the name of a book/movie? This is seriously a name of a band? ah-ha ha ha ha. 3. In...
  2. M

    The Sports Thread

    I can't believe you didn't mention the Dolphins' QB's... Green, Lemon, and Beck... ok ok ok, I can. :(
  3. M

    The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

    It is more difficult to pinpoint metal bands that are universally respected amongst true metal fans compared with classic rock because there are more bands that are more widely known to contend with nowadays (thanks to advances in mass media). Although, I will say, yes, there does exist a great...
  4. M

    Worst Movies You've ever seen

    Mack and Me! Such a stupid movie.
  5. M

    brutal/technical/ and sometimes melodic

    Brutal, technical, and at least somewhat melodic (but definitely more along the lines of "brutal death" would be Screams of Anguish by Brutality. Their other albums, not so much... but Screams of Anguish is definitely a gem and has all that you're looking for... it's not BUILT on the whole...
  6. M

    Gimme some thrash

    I didn't see this band mentioned in this thread, and I pretty much would "second" a bunch of the bands already mentioned... but DEFINITELY check out RAZOR. Everything they put out was amazing. A good start/introduction to them would probably be Evil Invaders.
  7. M

    Albums you still can't get into

    Slayer's Diabolus in Musica... shudder. Worst album ever, though: Catch 22 by Hypocrisy... I'm a fan of Hypocrisy and in general like most of their music, but I can't even stand to listen to a single song on this album without cringing. I chucked it.
  8. M

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Carcass - Heartwork Hypocrisy - Penetralia Alice in Chains - Dirt Misery Index - Overthrow Rhapsody of Fire - Triumph or Agony Ramones - Ramones