Recent content by Memnon.

  1. Memnon.

    Best Borkanagar Song Thread

    God's of my World or The Genuine Pulse
  2. Memnon.

    An Insult To Metal

    Wait a minute, I heard he just died in his sleep because of natural causes at 33. I guess people were baffled because he died like that so young.
  3. Memnon.

    An Insult To Metal

    You see, what's so funny about this is that this guy exaggerated stereotypes on both metalheads and extreme conservative elitists who like classical music. Basically, it's the classic situation of "I'M TEH SUPEREEOR ROFLMAO STFU n00b!!!111" hypocrit bullshit which he intended to make himself...
  4. Memnon.

    100 Greatest Progressive Rock Artists

    Huh? I thought it was at the end of the song Deliverance...
  5. Memnon.

    Will Vintersorg play guitar on upcoming gigs/cds?

    Mr. V is better than Brun.
  6. Memnon.


    I've been blessed with the misfortune of living in the middle of nowhere (and being 6 years under the legal age of drinking) woe is me... :cry:
  7. Memnon.

    100 Greatest Progressive Rock Artists

    Why wouldn't Symphony X be considered prog? On albums like Divine Wings of Tragedy or The Odyssey they have the the standard written songs then the one "24 minute epic" song. From what I know, I've listened to "The Odyssey" and the arrangement of the damn song screams "prog." You got insanely...
  8. Memnon.

    hi i'm new and 'remember tomorrow' cover

    All the dogs in my neighbourhood go nuts when Mikael hits that high note.
  9. Memnon.

    Credence vs. Face of Melinda

    face of melinda
  10. Memnon.

    100 Greatest Progressive Rock Artists

    To determine what makes rock or metal progressive, I've set these personal criteria's. 1)When a band makes somewhat experimental arrangements, and continually progress through melodies and make a song completely unpredictable, to me, that is what makes something progressive. 2)Songs in the...