Recent content by METAL RULEZZZ

  1. M

    Best Maiden Album

    Somewhere in Time for me.....although it was difficult to choose
  2. M


    Seiken Densetsu 3 was a good RPG on can get the fan translated version anywhere on the internet for download....the good thing is that you can have control over your characters unlike the FF series also by square soft which is a turn based RPG.... Now,i play Fable and Dungeon Seige...
  3. M

    Recommend some Power/Prog.

    you can try out Sonata Arctica.....
  4. M

    Strategic Warfare games

    Warcraft series Starcraft C & C series War of the Ring Battle for Middle Earth series AoE can't go wrong with them
  5. M

    Maiden songs that get to you

    Stranger in a Strange Land The Clansman Blood Brothers Sign of the Cross(Rock in Rio Version) Journeyman(live) Fear of the Dark(Live) Hallowed Be Thy Name Como Estais Amigos(ducks :p ) to name a few
  6. M

    What's the first Iron Maiden album you ever bought?

    Somewhere in Time is my favourite album.......................
  7. M

    Fav Maiden Song

    Hallowed Be Thy Name Stranger in a Strange Land Fear of the DARK(Live) Journeyman Blood name a few....
  8. M

    Stop the "Ma(nowar)dness!"

    how can you compare Maiden with a band like Manowar which is such one dimensional as the only lyrics they can think of are...FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT :p you can't compare Helloween and Maiden because they are not in the same can compare bands like Maiden and Priest,you can compare...
  9. M

    Paul Di'Anno talking shit on Bruce Dickinson

    i'd say BB albums were better than Di-Anno's but that's my opinion....everyone's entitled to have one as far as i know :p:
  10. M


    don't know whether this has been discussed before but how did you guys find the new album by Helloween the third part of the keeper of the seven keys trilogy... i thought the songs were great Ride the Universe :up: Occasion Avenue and King for a 1000 years were great.... Also on the...
  11. M

    A quiet rant on music stores

    i don't use PayPal,and in India,i don't get albums from bands like Stratovarius,Helloween,Edguy,Sonata Arctica,Nightwish....basically all the bands which i like....i do get Maiden here ..... this really sucks......:( :mad:
  12. M

    Paul Di'Anno talking shit on Bruce Dickinson

    Paul Di Anno sucks.....i felt that the Blaze Baily albums were much better and his voice is much better than that IDIOT....Just comparing himself to an icon like Bruce Dickinson shows what an idiot he actually is