Recent content by Metal_Cultist

  1. Metal_Cultist

    What is the scariest or most evil sounding album you can think of?

    You should, just because they do have a couple amazing albums. But they aren't particular scary. Even more to that point, Abbath (lead vocalist, guitarist) usually just sorta pokes fun at himself. He's quite a character.
  2. Metal_Cultist

    Metal bands whose music you don't like but whom you respect as artists

    Oh, me alienating someone here isn't based on my opinion being silly, but on the reader not understanding how righteous my point of view is. You'll get it soon enough, kiddo.
  3. Metal_Cultist

    Controversial opinions on metal

    A fair point - I should have said, under any 'reasonable' definition. ;) The rest are just disagreements. Opinions are like assholes, they say... (but I do agree Ride the Lightning is probably their best album - one of metals best? LOLZ)
  4. Metal_Cultist

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I don't consider Venom's "Black Metal" to be black metal. Under any definition of black metal. Kreator and Dark Angel are by far the two best thrash bands (honorable mention to Sodom). Slayer is highly overrated, and even Metallica's best albums aren't THAT great. Frankly, thrash metal is...
  5. Metal_Cultist

    Metal bands whose music you don't like but whom you respect as artists

    haha.... I need to post in 'controversial opinions on metal' thread... I'm likely to alienate fucking everyone in there.
  6. Metal_Cultist

    Who do you think is the best power metal vocalist?

    I do love Symphony X. Guess they are sort of a power/prog hybrid, so that counts. :)
  7. Metal_Cultist


    Edmond Tarverdyan made an error in judgement getting in Werdum's face. lol
  8. Metal_Cultist

    Parts of songs that are just extra great!

    ~2:58 - 4:00 (or well, the rest of the song really...)
  9. Metal_Cultist


    Elric, I have a feeling we'd agree on a lot... but for whatever reason I can't get into this at all. Maybe the vocals? 4/10
  10. Metal_Cultist

    Who do you think is the best power metal vocalist?

    Joakim Brodén (Sabaton) - Seems like people either love or hate his vocal style. I find it gritty and visceral in a sub-genre full of vocalists who don't exactly sound.. eh... powerful. Attila Dorn (Powerwolf) - at least in their recordings, awesome. Mathias Blad (Falconer) - seems...
  11. Metal_Cultist

    What is the scariest or most evil sounding album you can think of?

    I think Limbonic Art's "Ad Noctum - Dynasty of Death" is a good contender for this. But really, Windham Hell (Eric Friesen RIP) were just on a different level than most other 'evil' sounding acts.
  12. Metal_Cultist

    Favorite album cover art

    Speaking of Battle Magic... the reissue cover is quite awesome.