Recent content by Metalbast

  1. Metalbast

    Varg Vikernes is a free man

    Christians have destroyed alot of important history of other religions and culture. They should be punished for their old sins. Religion is for weak minds.
  2. Metalbast


  3. Metalbast

    Your Viking name is...

    Húnrøðr Bonecrusher Awesome!
  4. Metalbast hacked.

    Very nice indeed. Thank Odin it was just a nice "hacker". Any opinions?
  5. Metalbast

    court ruling: city has right to seize citizen property

    Only in America...
  6. Metalbast

    Anyone going to see AA @ 2000 decibel?

    Have to say.. IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! Nobody went to the gig?
  7. Metalbast

    Anyone going to see AA @ 2000 decibel?

    I'm sure as hell going! The festival is next weekend.. :rock:
  8. Metalbast

    Metal Maniacs

    Scan it ! :D
  9. Metalbast

    Eye Color Influences Drinking Habits!

    I'm blue eyed and I come from Scandinavia, I'm kinda shy and I drink a lot :D
  10. Metalbast

    Feral-Ly. and Demons and the great Hurricane escape!

    Weird stuff dude hehe
  11. Metalbast

    Wacken pics !!!

    Awesome pics! :kickass:
  12. Metalbast

    Q&A with Johan

    Nice interview! :) Johan din jävel! ;)
  13. Metalbast


    Can I Join ? :grin:
  14. Metalbast


    Does it matter what songs they play ? hehe It's Amon Amarth ffs! :D
  15. Metalbast

    Viking talk

    I know both Swedish and Icelandic :P So then I must be 100% Viking ? :rock: