Recent content by MetalDetector

  1. M

    Suggestions for a metal mix?

    Yeah I agree about the vocals sitting too high above the rest of the mix. The drums sound really thin too. Maybe try some different samples or eq to bring out some body? The guitars don't sound too bad at all. I kind of like the bass, but it may be a little loud. It could probably use some more...
  2. M


    +1 I don't even remember the last time I played sitting down.
  3. M

    Horror movies so bad...they are good.

    The worst movie I've ever seen, which of course means I loved every second of it, is Motorhome Massacre! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you do so. Oh another one I just saw recently was call "Feast". Definitely a winner. Other than those, pretty much any SciFi channel original...
  4. M

    Any Mexican here to tell us about the flu?

    "Hey guys, so how do we stimulate this shit-hole of an economy? This $3 increase in yearly salary isn't doing it..." "I know! Let's make up a "flu" based on more barnyard animals and scare people into buying a bunch of shit they don't need!" "Genius. Pure genius."
  5. M

    Does your music choice promote homosexuality?

    Hahaha this a serious website?!
  6. M

    interested in doing bass for adtr cover?

    ADTR is pretty much the only band in the Pop-punk/hardcore realm that I really thoroughly enjoy.
  7. M

    New Zao release is comming

    Wow I don't like this new song at all! Compared to songs like Praise the War Machine, Breath of the Black Muse, or 5 Year Winter, this new one just...doesn't deliver the goods. I hope the rest of the album is more memorable. :erk:
  8. M

    Hows this for a bass sound??

    Yeah that sounds pretty damn cool. I would add fuzz/drive but thats just my personal preference.
  9. M

    Best game in a while

    Haha King's Quest was the shit! I had a couple of those games back in the day. (I do agree that the hint book was a must)
  10. M

    Best game in a while

    Ahhh ok I see it now. I don't know how I missed that. All is well. Thanks a lot. I was gonna go crazy if I couldn't finish that haha.
  11. M

    Best game in a while

    Yeah I did that, but I still don't know where the key is physically located.
  12. M

    Best game in a while

    I'm stumped with where to find the 3rd Key. I know it has something to do with "good luck" but I don't know what...
  13. M

    Best game in a while

    Ok, I got the chair unbolted and the tape recorder unlocked...but now I'm absolutely stuck. Anyone gotten past this part? Pretty cool game though.
  14. M

    Hows this mix and tone?

    Wait so was this the Line6 Bogner Cab? That tone is fantastic! I have to agree it sounds a lot like Resurrection. Good work. What are some details about the drums?
  15. M

    Controversial - Kid slaps mom

    I'm no doctor or anything, but I think this probably stems from the fact that he's wearing a pink polo. That never ends well.