Recent content by MetalGeek

  1. M

    Random thread to raise post counts

    Howdy gang, Here's a radmon thread to help increase the post counts of the Stickmans forums. Topics for discussion (until someone adds another random topic): 1) Last Large Venue Concert 2) Last Small Venue/Hole in the Wall Show 3) Album of the Moment 4) TV Show/Movie of the Moment...
  2. M

    File Sharing

    This site can be a bit "religious" at times, but it usually refers to good articles. Don't read it too often or you'll want to cry/drink/break stuff.
  3. M

    Forum/Site Participation

    Congrats man. Good to know everything went well and everyone is healthy. From what I've read the trick to having three is zone defense. :P Good luck. It really really cool. It's got a great mix of the old school playful nature and sound mixed with the inflence of the almost techno...
  4. M

    Forum/Site Participation

    Here's the link to the Web page for AMS. And here's the bass I got. I am sure there are other places and other deals, but this is the only one I am aware of. Good luck!
  5. M

    Site skins

    Ain't no thing man. Whatever makes this puppy easier to play with.
  6. M

    Forum/Site Participation

    Dude, The music supply magazines have starter kits for $300. You could just get a cheapo bass for $150. The free version of Guitar Pro is more than enough for you to learn some songs on. Think about it man.
  7. M


    Dude, I've had a better time with 5 than I EVER had with 2.x. I've had almost no buffering issues with 5 since I mentioned on the old board. The only problems I've had are with the Media Libray, but that's an easy fix and doesn't affect the core player. What problems are you experiencing...
  8. M

    Site skins

    Stick, Did you remove the site skins? My Maiden theme is gone and I can't seem to find the icon to turn it back on. Kev.
  9. M

    Forum/Site Participation

    Have you looked into playing the bass? :P he he he :kickass: Sounds cool man. If you can talk the 'lil lady into getting a kit you should let the kid try the drums. Even if he never runs with it he'll be happy you gave him the chance and let him explore. And who knows... you might like it...
  10. M

    Forum/Site Participation

    Dude, I think I get the "Non responsive award". How the heck have you guys been (aside from busy with work)? Kirk, your on your 3rd kid? What are ya trying to do.. make a band? :loco: I've been busy with work myself, but it's mostly been the I don't have a clue what I'm doing so it...
  11. M

    Welcome to this forum!

    I'll try to liven things up with a rant, but I am a lot busier than I was 6 months ago. I have a major project due next Thursday and so I haven't had the time to get upset with anything.... it's all I can do to keep up with it. I'll try to find something to help ya with the post count. It's...
  12. M

    Welcome to this forum!

    Dude, I finnaly made it. For some reason Yahoo was sending the notices to the spam folder. I dig the new forums dude, but I do have one complaint... I've have to rebuild my post count! :loco: By the way I like the new choice in icons. :worship: