Recent content by Metalhead Maynard

  1. M


    Hey Chris, I'll be seeing you in Poughkeepsie, we still on for those shots? BTW what model esp are you using. My Ibanez is the Rg7620 ( the first production model they made after the Jem 7)
  2. M

    home recordings

    try recording guitars with bass set way low on eq, then in mixdown use a parametric eq to add the low end frequencies you want. its easier to put in bass after than to try to take it out
  3. M


    Tube distortion > than any pedal. All you need is a noise gate
  4. M

    The Cleansing - recording and production

    I know Chris uses a Krankenstein, and they both use Esp 7 strings with emgs(because they have an endorsement