Recent content by Metalhead101

  1. Metalhead101

    ITS TIME TO ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hahaha yes, only 95 more days! not too much longer!!! I can't wait to see/hear yall! and agreed! no excuses! to cruise or not to cruise..... CRUISE! :D
  2. Metalhead101

    Who are you most excited to see on this voyage??

    Oh yes, surprises are always good, especially on here! I agree, it's a lot of fun not knowing and guessing what she's got planned next :)
  3. Metalhead101

    Triton Power Cruise Fest with Evergrey, Eumeria, Circle 2 Circle and more..

    *SIGH* I can't wait til April, let's cruise NOW! ;)
  4. Metalhead101

    Eumeria's upcoming CD and Triton Power Cruise

    Ooh I'm excited to see it all, I know it's gonna kickass! Even more excited to see it live though for the first time on the TPC!
  5. Metalhead101


    I know it's early, but after reading all of the positive reviews of Future's End, we're now counting down til WE get to see them as well as ALL of the bands! As of 11 pm today, there are 228 days to go! *SIGH* (I BETTER get to go to ProgPower next year)
  6. Metalhead101

    How was the FUTURE'S END set?

    We're still mad you didn't take us to ProgPower. Maybe next year. I'm really glad FE did a great show. Now if *I* could see them too because the CD is amazing.
  7. Metalhead101

    How was the FUTURE'S END set?

    Wish I could've been there, Mama TexasBeth said that they kicked ass and I can't wait to see it for myself! I have been a big fan since I heard the early prelim releases on net radio. FUTURES END!! \mm/
  8. Metalhead101

    How's it go?

    Haha METAL! I think that suits that entire weekend perfectly! But before all this can happen, we, the MerchGirls have our photoshoot TOMORROW for a new banner ad that's going to go on the front page of! All you cruisers keep an eye out for the pix! You'll be sure to see us on this...
  9. Metalhead101

    Travel Tips for those who've never been on a cruise...

    Well no matter about the MerchGirl's protection, we are all EXTREMELY excited for this cruise and the upcoming photoshoot for us!
  10. Metalhead101

    Travel Tips for those who've never been on a cruise...

    Oh gosh, big burly guys? I think the Merch Girls are going to need some bodyguards! Anyone up for it?! ;)
  11. Metalhead101

    Who are you most excited to see on this voyage??

    I'm excited to see them all!! The Merch Girls and I are extremely stoked for this to go down!
  12. Metalhead101

    Press Release 7/27/09

    This is going to be so cool! I am so excited!