Recent content by metallinen

  1. metallinen

    Spinefeast at sea

    That's what is making you what you are. The real and completed perfection. Keep up the perfection guys !
  2. metallinen

    Songs you would love to see live!!!

    Outremer The Blind Leader Alteration Human Fates Hades ( again ) Heritance Of Berija For The Revolution ( again ) The Groan Of Wind ( again ) Holy Symphony Of War
  3. metallinen

    Kalmah Writing New Material!!

    Then, let it be! :rock:
  4. metallinen

    Kalmah Writing New Material!!

    It tooks 7 days to create earth ( well i don't believe in these things but anyway ) and it took 6 weeks to create the perfection ! Awesomeness around here !! Kalmah will never quit my heart ! Keep up the good job guys :):kickass:
  5. metallinen

    For The Revolution - Song Survivor - Round 7

    Yeah..Outremer FTW !
  6. metallinen

    Underated Kalmah songs

    yeah....exept Outremer ... i think its one of the best solos ever made ! Kalmah just pwns some asses :P
  7. metallinen

    Kalmah Canadian Tour...

    Was it what we call ''paradise'' or Kalmah's show in mtl ? maybe its the same thing :P it was f**** amazing! I can't wait for the next show too :D A question to Marco .. when the amp had problems..did you play a part of Bodom after midnight or i'm crazy ? :P I Can't believe you played Heritance...
  8. metallinen

    First Two Kalmah Albums To Be Re-issued as 2CD Set...

    so how does them sound ? how are the bonus tracks ??
  9. metallinen

    First Two Kalmah Albums To Be Re-issued as 2CD Set...

    well...anyone heard those bonus songs ? ... what's the news about this?
  10. metallinen

    The Person Above Me

    ^ doesnt have a lot of postes for the start date
  11. metallinen

    The Person Above Me

    ^ postes in the Kalmah forum XD
  12. metallinen

    Kalmah releases - special editions?

    i want this cover too .. i have all Kalmah albums and i'll buy the 2 cd set for the 2 bonus songs but not rebuying the balck waltz for 1 song come on :hypno: :erk:
  13. metallinen

    The show of your dreams

    Well if i was rich i will not care about the place i will just fly to it! Well i would love a show in Quebec,Canada > in montreal if possible like at the "Foufounes Electriques" some great bands like Stormlord played in this place :) Opening : 1st > Eternal Tears Of Sorrow ! i love their...
  14. metallinen

    Future albums..

    How do you prefer the next albums to be ? what style do you prefer ? : Like Swamplord,They Will Return,The Black Waltz,Swampsong... personally i prefer like Swamplord !:goggly:
  15. metallinen

    The Person Above Me

    ^ lives in sweden..