Recent content by metalmayhem88

  1. M

    Outremer Tab

    lol there is no solo in this song
  2. M

    Outremer Tab

    Whoever you are, lemme buy you a beer!!! :)))):kickass:
  3. M

    Outremer Tab

    I am surprised that nobody tabbed it yet...
  4. M

    Outremer Tab

    Does anyone have it? Thanks!
  5. M

    Official Kalmah Tab Thread

    Have anyone seen With Terminal Intensity tab???
  6. M

    Black Waltz Tabs

    Sorry for misposting, I am still looking for With Terminal Intensity tab. Thanks for the Mindrust!
  7. M

    Black Waltz Tabs

    Hi!!! Does anybody know where you can get With Terminal Intensity and Mindrust tabs from Black Waltz?? Thanks!!! :rock: