Recent content by Metelian

  1. M

    Post your comments about the 'Fate of Norns Tour' here thread

    by the way , as far as i remember the last song they performed in Osnabrück was Where silent gods stnad guard wasnt it? but anyway fucking cool concert... In my oppinion the one on wacken was better but maybe thats just because this time i was forbidden to drink delicious Met cause of having to...
  2. M

    Translation please

    soz im dumb i know.. just didnt see the old thread but thx to spaffe anyway just fucked up day
  3. M

    Translation please

    Hi folks , could anyone be so kind and give me a translation of this : Maktiga gudar, i gyllene slaen. Hjalp mig i striden mot sondraparna, Den hoge skall For huggen hamnas och blod skall galdas i blod" thx anyway :grin:
  4. M

    Any Swed Translators?

    Hi folks , i always asked me when i listened to "Ride for Vengeance" what this swedish part means .. : "Maktiga gudar, i gyllene slaen. Hjalp mig i striden mot sondraparna, Den hoge skall For huggen hamnas och blod skall galdas i blod" Could anyone help me out!? :confused: