Recent content by miasmaresonance

  1. miasmaresonance

    Female metal fans! Please answer these questions for my research, thankyou!

    1) What got you into heavy metal and how did you first enter the scene? Well, I'm not exactly sure. It was in 5th grade or so that I first discovered Children of Bodom, and things grew gradually from there. 2) How large a part does heavy metal figure in your life? I don't know if it's very...
  2. miasmaresonance

    WOODS' March Winter Merch Blowout! Whoodies and Longsleeves!

    Man, so upset..I can't believe I notice this after it's over. I'm a female who usually wears adult smalls, and I'm searching for a long sleeve WoY shirt in that size. It's so hard to find any metal shirt in that size, honestly.