Recent content by midgetwar

  1. M

    Stoner rock recommendations??

    High on fires first album is SICK. I also highly recommend Novadriver- Void. You can get it for REAL cheap off oh yeah and SPIRIT CARAVAN. Get everything. I think they are my favorite stoner rock band. Sleep's Holy Mountain is another amazing example of stoner rock at it's purest.
  2. M

    Pearl Jam - Live at Benaroya Hall: October 22 2003

    Totally know what you mean. I used to rock out to Ten back when I was a kid and now I listen to Vitalogy Ten and Binaural all the time. They're just a fucking tight band
  3. M

    finding a job

    two words. DISH WASHER
  4. M

    "my pals"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH I refuse to say what I'm laughing about
  5. M

    How do you listen to katatonia?

    I once listened to Viva Emptiness while driving through HEAVY fog. I mean you couldn't see in front of you at ALL let alone so many feet or so ahead... I felt as if I was going to drive through the fog and off a cliff or into a tree or something at any moment and I'm sure the music wasn't...
  6. M

    Brave Yester Days

    I got this CD for 9.99 bucks american which is nuts cause it was new...marked down from 15.99...simply awesome into disc 2 more right now...saw you drown EP is wicked good.
  7. M

    How do you listen to katatonia?

    you europeans are CRAZY! I mean that in a good way. i agree with deliverance...keep up the good work! especially Varg but especially the rest of you...
  8. M

    How do you listen to katatonia?

    driving while listening to katatonia is good cause of the steady melodies but sometimes i get the strange urge to just drive off the the road or into oncoming traffic and...(-: j/k
  9. M

    New Fear Factory Video

    does everyone in sweden/germany/other european places speak english? us americans tend to find it insulting when asked to learn to speak another language i.e spanish. I tend to find it makes me just feel inferior(not knowing another language that is). I've taken spanish(failed it), french(failed...
  10. M

    New Fear Factory Video

    I just wanna say....BLASHYRKH (MIGHTY RAVENDARK)!!!!!!!!!!! or is Immortal unacceptable as case you haven't caught on this is my attempt at making light of, well, everything, as only a metal fan can
  11. M

    Quick question for a swede

    Whats with the Village People picture Varg. I Kid, I kid(-: But seriously, what's up with that.
  12. M


    whichever album impacts you more emotionally is the sadder for you if you consider them sad albums. heck whichever impacts you more emotionally if you consider them happy would be the happier album. if this doesn't make sense to you don't argue because i honestly dont want to bother
  13. M

    Now Watching...

    Red Sox Vs. Yankees Red sox 5 games Yankees 1 fuck yeah Knock on Wood
  14. M

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Steve Young - Honky Tonk Man
  15. M

    how many of you know...

    Besides the two Crimson's Erik? Even though Crimson II is essentially a Swano solo project, I think these are very coherent although they may be in a seperate catagory since they are one continues track and therefor coherent by nature. :cool: