Recent content by Mike_From_France

  1. Mike_From_France

    Live Videos Thread

    Kissing the Shadows @ Paris - 23 octobre 2013
  2. Mike_From_France

    The Ugly World Tour 2011

    Thanks ;)
  3. Mike_From_France

    COB Pics

    In Paris !
  4. Mike_From_France

    The Ugly World Tour 2011

    For those who speak french, here's the report I made for : There are some good photos too ;) To made a quick review in English, as a big fan of the earlier albums, I still go see them even if it's no longer a band I listen to. This time in...
  5. Mike_From_France

    Hatred in Metal Scene...

    The main critic against Bodom is the underage crowd... The thing is that the audience at the gigs is not a reflect of how good is the band. In paris last week, i was surrounded by two guys of 14 years old (i asked them...) and the crowd was VERY YOUNG. So Bodom is for kids? So Bodom is no...
  6. Mike_From_France

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Not bad for a guy who doesn't play more than 4/5 hours a week... i think. Amazing work Mitch. Great... as usual...
  7. Mike_From_France

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Hello Guys. Long time i didn't post there. As Mitch suggests me, I post a cover of Downfall. I recorded the two tracks (3 during the solo) on GARAGE BAND (Macbook) with a Pocket Pod. Then I made the video for fun and mixed it up. The 5150 is just here for fun. My Guitar is a Jackson STARS...
  8. Mike_From_France

    Guitar Player's Thread

    It's mine you're right. I used to go there :)
  9. Mike_From_France

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Here's my Jackson RR-J2SP BK/PNGD I shipped last year. That's a good guitar.. i have a pretty good sound with my 5150 Evh Blockeletter :) Yeah i'm a fan of WeSC :)
  10. Mike_From_France


    No but it was in the guitar rack! That was a pretty good show but we didn't hear a lot of the keyboards.. At the beginning of the show it didn't work (No sound during the Hate Me! intro) and after the sound was very very low. But thanks for those photos dude ;)
  11. Mike_From_France

    Festival setlist, whats your opinion?

    Saturday, At Hellfest, (France) they played Needled 24/7, Hate Me!, Living Dead Beat, Two Medleys Mask Of Sanity/Deadnight Warrior and Children of Decadence/ ? I forgot, Angel's don't kill, In your face, Are you dead Yet?, Everytime I Die and Downfall. (Not in order). Mask Of sanity is good...
  12. Mike_From_France

    Whats your job??

    I'm a Law Student :)
  13. Mike_From_France

    What are you listening to?

    In Flames - Resin (Anyone has an accurate tab of it?) and Theory in Practice - Colonizing the sun :notworthy
  14. Mike_From_France

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I played one last week and it is good but the colour :Puke: .. Muhammad is a great guitarist for sure. Pretty accurate live even if in the Paris' show in march he missed the intro of "Only Ash Remains".
  15. Mike_From_France

    Ur Hometowns

    I live about 80 miles in the south of Paris in an old city called Orléans, about 250 000 people lives there... Another BIG photo :)