Recent content by MikeyJBass

  1. M

    Mastodon - Curl of the Burl (remix)

    Wasn't entirely sure where to post this, cause technically it's EDM but I made it using samples from Mastodon. Hopefully you guys won't hate me for "butchering" the song (even though that's kind of the nature of sampling and remixing haha). So yeah, I like both EDM and metal... so I fused them...
  2. M

    Instrumental Metal

    Our band is called Syncrosphere and this is our 3 track, 13 minute EP. First full length album is on the way. P.S.: Thoughts and opinions are welcomed.
  3. M

    Syncrosphere - Prog Metal out of NJ

    My name is Mike and I play bass for a band called Syncrosphere. We only just started this year but we've been hauling ass to write some good music and self produce our demo/ep. You guys can check that out here: Its only 13 minutes total so it doesn't hurt to give all 3...