Recent content by Mill Finder

  1. M

    Band name suggestions and naming guide

    I see the bands on this page being more of the kind called "nu-metal" Nothing wring with that. I understand your reference to cliché being used here. This music has been out forever but because of the newer computers and synths and more people getting into it, it is a better from of music for...
  2. M

    Band name suggestions and naming guide

    Too 3rd person and not impactual enough. Very unfocussed. You probably are more into Music appreciation then the actually performance of it. Appreciation is the learning and enjoyment of elelments of something but not actually becoming it. This site is definatley more appreciation but I...
  3. M

    Band name suggestions and naming guide

    I’m tired of these third person band names like. Here are some fake examples: “I went to the store to buy coffee” and “I think Metal is groovy” So here are some suggestions: Dark Metal: Brutalicious Asphyxiation Strangle Power Metal: Pummel Fistin Mouth Punch Phuck...