Recent content by Mind Revolution

  1. M

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    My fav metal albums right now are Disturbed- Indestructible, Lamb Of God - Sacrament, In Flames - A Sense Of Purpose, Testament - Formation Of Damnation. __________________________________________________ and btw if you haven't heard BACKHANDER go do it
  2. M

    2 members of Skyfire in a new band!

    Well they sure can’t please us all. Even thou i prefer Skyfire, I think this is kinda cool. Only shows that these boyz has more to offer musically. I think it will be totally awesome when the new Skyfire album gets released. But as told in this forum by a Skyfire member, sh*t takes time w...
  3. M

    2 members of Skyfire in a new band!

    I think it sounds cool. I think Andreas is a killer with his axe.:rock: