Recent content by mindglow

  1. mindglow

    Aptrigga vs drumagog

    Maybe this is considered thread hi-jacking but what the heck. Is there a way to turn of the function in aptrigga that plays samples with different volume depending on how hard the drum was hit from the beginning. When using a sample on the kick drum for instance, i want every hit to be...
  2. mindglow

    I know headphones have been discussed before... but, I've a different question

    I don't know about wireless cans, but I always use Vic Firth Isolation Headphones when recording. You'll get absolutely no bleed from them at all while recording vocals, and the only sound they let through while playing drums is the low end. The actual sound of the headphones is pretty average...
  3. mindglow

    Behringer ADA8000

    Yesterday I compared recording a snare drum with the ADA8000 and then with my Yamaha 01V mixer. The Behringer is not bad, but it lacked some high end and didn't sound as clear as the snare sounded when it went through the 01V, unfortunatly I didn't have any other mic pre to compare with. I have...
  4. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    Yeah the snare is a bit of a problem for me also. I have a hard time getting those high frequencies that i hear in sampled drums. I want a crispy sound, not boxy. I tried using a trigger to mix with the original snare (recorded with a SM57) and I used my own snare as the trigger sample. The...
  5. mindglow

    going shopping... yet again....

    I would also recomend the Compact 4. Great mixer with pretty good preamps, it's also very versatile with many routing options. It's so worth those extra bucks to get at mixer like this instead of some cheap Behringer.
  6. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    I have tried that "tunnel" technique before but never got any satisfying results. Look a this picture , thats is some big tunnel built in front of the bass drum. Now that I come to think about it, i may have forgot to use a condenser while...
  7. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    Oh cool I will definitely check that out. I have never thought of using a trigger mic that way.
  8. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    You mean using the actual sound from the ddrum mic in the mix? :)
  9. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    We actually tried that yesterday, didn't have time to mix it with the Beta52 though but I will try it tonight. I've heard good things about the SM91 before so I will try to get hold of one and do some testing. Andy, please do report on the D6 when you get a chance!
  10. mindglow

    Kickdrum microphone

    I spent last night trying to get a decent sound out of my bass drum, but without much luck, so now I'm asking you what your favourite kick mics are. I've been using a Shure Beta52A but i feel it lacks a lot of high end and it is hard to get that kick in the groins metal hit that fits nice in a...
  11. mindglow

    Demo Finished

    Ok i see. But you can still use layered samples right? I have found that using at least four different layers can take away a lot of that machine gun-sound. I liked the rest of the mix though, good work.
  12. mindglow

    In Flames' Recording of New Album

    I remember Daniel said in a swedish radio interview that the secret to his drum sound was the sound of the room he recorded them in. I have really liked his sound in the past, and I still do, but I think the productions sound more or less the same and it's starting to get boring. I still prefer...
  13. mindglow

    Demo Finished

    You should work more on the drum sound. I think the snare sounds very unnatural and triggered. Try mixing the sample with the original snare or using layered samples to get a more natural sound. It's most obvious when there are several fast hits, it tends to sound more like a machine than a real...
  14. mindglow


    The Scandinavian dealer Mega Music in Denmark. They have a website at Last time i spoke to the guys there they said that they have had questions from all over the world about the caparison guitars, I'm not sure if they sell to outside of scandinavia though...
  15. mindglow


    I've tried out the Chris Amott signature model and it was awesome. It comes tuned down to C from the factory, but every note is crystal clear even when you run it through an amp with alot of distortion. If i had the money....