Recent content by Miss_Sonia

  1. Miss_Sonia

    Bear Grylls

    I think we can all agree on this. He is epic!
  2. Miss_Sonia

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    SNOW DAY!!!!!!! :) Damn I sound like such a little kid
  3. Miss_Sonia

    Bear Grylls

    Plus there's the fact that he's ACTUALLY ALONE out there, not with some camera crew that has food, water, and medical supplies "just in case" (I understand why he does obviously but credit where credit is deserved)
  4. Miss_Sonia

    Bear Grylls

    Les Stroud (Survivorman) is 10x better
  5. Miss_Sonia

    Recent Purchases

    Bought it on a whim, since my next book isn't coming in the mail for quite a while. Actually is turning out to be quite good! Not what I was expecting at all. Can't wait to see my teachers reactions when they see me reading it in class though :lol:
  6. Miss_Sonia

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    I heard that too, PLUS that she and Billy Bob got a velcro wall in their house when they were together... for that I kind of adore her.
  7. Miss_Sonia

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    I'm iffy about her. I can see why some find her attractive but she certainly isn't all that the press makes her out to be (Although she is a pretty good actress at times). Kinda the same thing with Megan Fox except without the talent.
  8. Miss_Sonia

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    Same here. I blame peer pressure :cry:
  9. Miss_Sonia

    You laugh, you lose...

    Exactly! Then again she's a dedicated twilight fan over 13... people that stupid have generally reached a point where they're no longer responsible for their words. On that note, she also freely admits that she can't understand Stephen King's writing hence why she dislikes him. :lol:
  10. Miss_Sonia

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Same. I adore mine. Its funny considering I've come to rely on it so much in my every day life even though I never wanted to be one of "those people".
  11. Miss_Sonia

    Own Pictures Thread

    Exactly what I meant.
  12. Miss_Sonia

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    I was sick in the first place so they wanted to check a couple things. Its strange cause my doctors don't think I'm anemic, yet I seem to faint or get really close to fainting every time they take more than one vial :lol: now all we need is a dead hooker and The Who.
  13. Miss_Sonia

    You laugh, you lose...

    I just love that at one point she tries to criticize his looks :lol:
  14. Miss_Sonia

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Pretty sick. Just got back from the doctors and had to get blood drawn :ill:
  15. Miss_Sonia

    Own Pictures Thread

    Dreadlocks can be ok IF you keep them clean. I've had a friend who almost completely avoided washing theirs, out of fear it would ruin them, and it was one one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen/ smelled. Even under ideal conditions I've only seen a few white kids able to pull em off.