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    VISITOR - Manchester Metal Monsters

    Hey man i appreciate the feedback. We have just signed to Casket Recoords to, but ofcourse thats just an Indie label, we are just trying to get heard. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated. Mitch

    VISITOR - Manchester Metal Monsters

    Hey guys, I play bass for Manchester based Metal band "Visitor". We have influences such as Pantera, Soilwork, Machine Head, Judas Preist, Scar Symmetry, Megadeth, Anthrax etc. We are just looking to get heard by the masses and looking for support slots anywhere in the UK and over seas...

    VISITOR (Manchester UK, Thrash Metal)

    Hey guys, I play bass for Manchester based Metal band "Visitor". We have influences such as Pantera, Soilwork, Machine Head, Judas Preist, Scar Symmetry, Megadeth, Anthrax etc. We are just looking to get heard by the masses and looking for support slots anywhere in the UK and over seas...

    Manchester METAL MONSTERS!

    Hey guys, just introducing myself. Names Mitch, i play in a Manchester (UK) based Metal band known as Visitor, we are trying to be heard by the massses and Im here to intorduce some new people to our music. Hope you like what you hear, please feel free to have a listen, add you to facebook...