Recent content by Mitton

  1. Mitton

    METAL: A headbanger's journey

    I am wondering the same thing I loved the book,but cant wait for the film.
  2. Mitton

    this list is quite funny....

    Tracii Guns beat John McLaughlin you no that this list is just a bollocks.
  3. Mitton

    Stevie Ray Vaughan - your thoughts?

    SRV is amazing,Great player he used to put his heart and soul into every note he touched on his guitar a really influential player.
  4. Mitton

    Dragonforce changed my life

    What mine? Cheers
  5. Mitton

    The best British band ever ? (metal)

    It has to be Sabbath because the have done so much for the metal genre in England and through out the world, but my personal favorite band is Carcass.
  6. Mitton

    Dragonforce changed my life

    Good luck with your new Dragonforce inspired life.
  7. Mitton

    Favorite beer?

    Coors Light.
  8. Mitton


    I have been trying to quit for years but I cant,Its starts with a cigarette when your drinking then it turns into a daily habbit. So kids dont start.
  9. Mitton

    IMMORTAL reform!!!

    Headlining Wacken Next year...... Great News.
  10. Mitton

    Rhoads V, or King V.......

    RR-1 is the only Rhoads to get the others are horrible.
  11. Mitton

    Look At This Shit

    Looking at the title of the thread I half expected to see a picture of your toilet first thing this mourning, after your curry eating binge last night.
  12. Mitton


    Everyone knows Gavin he is a worldwide phenomenon and now he is in porn he is even bigger. (well thats what the ladies say)
  13. Mitton

    Alice In Chains

    Whats your opinion? Personally I think its great there playing shows again.
  14. Mitton

    The obsession with Music

    Music makes a big impact on peoples lives and I agree it can dictate the way certain individuals live.In some instances people often take things to far Andrea Volpe for example who Killed several members of his band in a Satanic Ritual, which was thought to be because he listened to Heavy Metal...
  15. Mitton


    Im not saying there isnt trouble in Ireland because there is,but you arn't going to get victimised because of your race, times have changed since and then, protestant and catholic disagreements dont happen like they used to.