Recent content by Mjollnir1992

  1. Mjollnir1992

    Who Are You?

    Name: Conor Favorite bands: Blind Guardian, Ensiferum, Sonata Arctica Something unusual: I'd rather have an ale in the woods rather than a pint in some nightclub Favorite sport: I don't like sport but Rugby if I had to choose Favorite team: Plymouth Albion? My home Rugby team...
  2. Mjollnir1992

    Seriously bizarre movies

    I saw that the other night, rather twisted indeed. The most disturbing thing about it was how realistic the characters seemed, the girls holding hands really got to me, that's when it stopped being just a squeamish film and became quite sick. It worked really well as a horror movie though, worth...
  3. Mjollnir1992

    Greetings and Salutations

    I just joined this forum because I need somewhere to waste my time and I love metal, so what more can I say? :lol: The name's Conor, I'm 18, and I love to make films. That's about it really, that's my lot :)