Recent content by mmurnau

  1. M

    yes more saxon

    22.03.2005 UK Nottingham Rock City Best news in ages! :)
  2. M

    Saxon Related Sighting

    Nightwar, you have mentioned Nigel Glockler's CD so often, and you're obviously very enthusiastic about it, that I've put it on my "to buy" list for next month! Maybe I have even heard some of those songs on the tv without realising it. Shame they don't use songs from the actual Saxon albums...
  3. M

    Dream Evil and Chinchilla support SAXON

    Yeah I liked Wolf on the night even though I didn't know any of their songs. I've since bought their Evil Star album and its awesome. To be fair, Nocturnal Rites are no slouches either although they have maybe released more material than is strictly good for them. It seems Saxon have a knack...
  4. M

    Did you know Lionheart (the king) only stayed in England for 5 months?

    Actually now I think about it, having Richard Lionheart as a brooding psychopath killing everything in his way might have made an interesting song after all. Could have been one of Saxon's darker songs like, say, Unleash the Beast.
  5. M

    Bring back the tour programmes

    Yeah I completely agree with this idea. If they need to sell them in many countries maybe they could have panels with different languages like the manuals that come with electrical appliances? Its surely a good money-making idea for the band, and would provide the fans with a good souvenir...
  6. M

    Did you know Lionheart (the king) only stayed in England for 5 months?

    Yeah democracy is not really a Christian invention as such. But RicknRoll's right, there IS a big parallel between the old Crusades and whats going on now. A lot of the rhetoric being used is very religious on both sides. Perhaps it shows how little humanity really changes over the centuries...
  7. M

    Beyond the grave video clip !!

    Yeah I noticed the cuts; I always prefer the album versions of songs to the single edits anyway so I try to just grit my teeth and ignore it. What we need now is a mega-budget epic video for Witchfinder General with Biff riding around like Vincent Price deciding which wenches get burned ;)
  8. M

    Beyond the grave video clip !!

    Nice video, it seems SPV paid for an actual video to be filmed this time rather than shoving some live footage together with the studio track like they did with Killing Ground. Obviously they think the band are on the up! I won't hold my breath to see it on MTV or VH1 in Britain though :(
  9. M

    lionheart review with some twists

    Well I did find it funny, I just hope the bloke was being an arse intentionally. It certainly enlightened me on some subjects: "robots taking over sectors of technology, forming their own factions to dispose of mankind. Udo is well aware of this". Bloody hell, and here was me thinking Man...
  10. M

    Did you know Lionheart (the king) only stayed in England for 5 months?

    I can remember posting about this before when the titles of the songs were announced. Richard the Lionheart was a French nobleman, couldn't speak a word of English, spent all the English taxes on wars in the middle east (some things never change!), and was eventually killed in a war between...
  11. M

    Lionheart; a sure thing for future setlists?

    Both great songs! Circle of Light especially I can imagine kicking arse live.
  12. M

    Lionheart; a sure thing for future setlists?

    Lionheart the song is good but I'm not sure its quite good enough to be a regular fixture forever. I also find its vibe is quite similar to both Crusader and Conquistador both of which have been played often live. I would have said Witchfinder General WAS that good though (one of my favourite...
  13. M

    Astoria Gig 2nd October 2004

    Bloody great evening! Dream Evil IMO were actually pretty good; I have all 3 of their albums and think they are a good solid band and I was happy with their live performance. One guy right next to me (front right) was going utterly MENTAL for Dream Evil the whole way through the set, the entire...
  14. M

    Hey, new member here

    Greetings Almogaver! I remember seeing the advertising for Metal Mania 2003. That was the kind of lineup to make any true metal fan wet themself! Made me wish I lived in Spain anyway.
  15. M

    Attention Saxon and Biff

    Ah, so the barfight is over. Somebody pick up all the smashed bottles and bar stools! nightwar, an even better idea is to play 2 sets of 1.5 hours with a support band in the middle so we don;t get bored during the interval. Unrealistic, I know. Lucky you got to see Rush, though, I missed that...