Recent content by moeter

  1. M

    The Random Music Video Thread...

    Stupid youtube won't let me see your video... so off to some quality material
  2. M

    John Bush sings "Four Horsemen" with Metallica

    Sounds great...and looks like JB is missing his hair. And a +1 for the supergroup thingy.
  3. M

    Worship Music - 3 months on

    Nah, even after a few listens, the production is too polished and yeah, most songs are too generic for me. TDYK has a nice groove... and a good solo. Fight'em is kinda nice, but the voice effect on the "I'll end you"'s makes me wanna hit the skip button. Can't recall the rest of the album if I...
  4. M

    OT - Singers that deserve more (Not Anthrax related)

    andrew mcdermott... rip bro...
  5. M

    Out of those who completely love WM, how many still miss Bush a little ?

    Actually, I still haven't heard the whole record. I couldn't stand the voice editing (weird echoes, overlays, verses sound like they were sung in one by one, etc.; basically to much "plastic") on both prereleased songs, so I see no point for me to give it a listen right now. Maybe some time I...
  6. M

    The Devil You Know

    Meh, 6.5 is a good rating for that song. Actually this song could as well be on the Damned Things record.
  7. M

    Belladonna guitar picks

    GUITAR picks dedicated to a SINGER? What's next? Scott Ian Drumsticks? Pavarotti cymbals? Pope dildos?
  8. M

    Fight'em Friday

    Solid tune. I'm positively surprised that Joey reduced his vibrato. But... who on earth decided to put that annoying effect on the "I end you"'s?
  9. M

    Favourite debut record of all time?

    Though this is a Thrax Board and i really like Fistful I gotta say my favorite would be: Running Wild - Gates To Purgatory
  10. M

    Favourite last (recent) album of an artist

    Belakor - Stone's Reach... though that's an easy call for that band as it's their second album and the production of the first one is :erk:
  11. M

    Joey singing some Ronnie ... the man still has a voice thats for sure!

    Pretty awesome. If he just could reduce his vibrato I might really like his singing... but that's just my personal taste.
  12. M

    Favorite metal singer

    Not neccesaarily my favorite singers... but i think they should be mentioned here: Biff Byford Udo Dirkschneider Rolf Kasparek David Lee Roth Pete Steele
  13. M

    Got some Bush love last night.

    Just a funny side note..: When John was first out of the Band I did a little questionary among some metalheads in town. I asked about 20, 11 had an opinion which singer/era was better. 9 of them said Bush... So saying most people prefer Belladonna is, from my experience, just plain wrong.
  14. M

    Albums You Like (But no one else does)

    Gravity Kills - Perversion
  15. M

    scott tracking fight em

    Mambo Kurt is great fun to watch, especially on a drunken summer festival afternoon ;). But it's something I really only appreciate live, it's about the show... somehow like GWAR...